广岛县 / 国立
広島大学 | Hiroshima University
Hiroshima University is a national institution founded in 1949, incorporating many different institutions of higher education. HU has been growing ever since; adding new schools, research institutes, and centers. Today it is counted among the national universities and consists of 12schools and graduate schools, a research institute, research facilities, and affiliated hospitals. HU was selected as one of the Top Global University Projects by Ministry of Education, Japan in 2014. HU is making steady progress as a global university, taking on worldwide challenges and strengthening its global educational network by signing international exchange agreements with universities around the world and opening overseas bases at strategic locations.

【Nature: China is closing gap with United States on research spending | #外文报道精选# 】The gap in research and development (R&D) funding between the United States and China is closing fast, despite modest increases in US funding since 2000, according to statistics assembled by the US National Science Foundation (NSF). The United States is increasingly “seen globally as an important leader rather than the uncontested leader” in science and engineering, the agency said in the latest edition of its biennial Science and Engineering Indicators report, which compiles metrics on the state of science and engineering in the country. https://t.cn/A6vxrhtV

Yui knows where Hachiman's heart is, since infirmary scene. And Hachiman in this exchange wasn't worried about Yui fading away in his future, only Yukino. Yui knows for Hachiman it's all about Yukino. Really she should have confessed just to get the rejection and have things over with.
【And Hachiman in this exchange wasn't worried about Yui fading away in his future, only Yukino】
Poor Yui, she already knows Hachiman's heart won't ever be hers, yet she can't confess to give herself closure, she is afraid of and doesn't want to hear that rejection. But still Yui was rejected twice there. First time by Hachiman saying it's Yukino fading from his life he's worried about implying not Yui, second time saying "don't wait for me" regarding his someday being able to do things without overthinking.
【it's Yukino fading from his life he's worried about implying not Yui】
说实话 【】里的这一点是我最早读14.6最直接的感受,国内一个敢提这个的都没有,提了必被喷怎么可以这么狠ry,只准挑“所有人(不如说是所有怜弱人群)都能接受的措辞”说出口,多么美丽美好和平的挽尊扭曲的世界啊,想听实话还得去看reddit(

另外reddit公认的关于14.6Yui is about to confess to 8man,有个人质疑也有人上了原文去回答分析原因,说得很好。

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