If you stand for a reason, be prepared to stand like a tree. If you fall onto the ground, fall like a seed that grows back to fight again.

Photo Credit: Ong Wai Kwang

#fightdo #fightdosg #singapore #sg #pasirris #pasirriswestcsc #onepa #radicalfitness #radicalfitnesssingapore #communityclub #mph #pasirriseliascc #workout #fitness #sweatitout

Another Fight Do just for you @ Bishan CC
Every Friday 8:15pm to 9:15pm

New term start at end of September and link will be up soon.

Program Description:

FIGHT DO®️ is an imaginary fight against several opponents, combining the best of Boxing and Martial Arts.
Employing punches, knees, kicks, blocks and jumps to the rope to provide a fun and effective class using simple, dynamic and intense combat training, that ensures each session burns between 600 and 700 calories and it releases stress and tones all your body.

The FIGHT DO PLUS®️ format also includes high intensity sports and functional exercises. This explosive combination quickly accelerates the metabolism by helping burn even more calories per class (between 800 and 900 calories). In addition, it improves your flexibility, mobility, power and speed. It is a comprehensive training that offers incredible results!
Experience the Power of the Dragon with FIGHT DO®️

#fightdo #fightdosg #radicalfitness #radicalfitnesssingapore #singapore #sg #bishancc #Bishan #pacourse #peopleassociation #onepa #studio #fitness #justdoit #beyourself

Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy.

#quotes #instagram #sgig #singapore #sg #thisisme #kelvinliu #keepgoing #keepmovingforward #keepfit #goals #dreams #lawofattraction #nevergiveup #nevergivein #followme #instagood #fitness #workout #cardio #exercise #music #changisimeicc #Changi #Simei #onepa #believe

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