Terry Myerson, executive vice president of the Windows and Devices Group at Microsoft, is departing the company as part of an executive shake-up to "accelerate our innovation and better serve the needs of our customers and partners," Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella wrote in an email to employees Thursday.

微软(Microsoft) Windows和设备部门的执行副总裁特里•迈尔森(Terry Myerson)将离开微软,作为高管换帅的一部分,以“加速我们的创新,更好地满足客户和合作伙伴的需要”,微软首席执行官萨蒂亚•纳德拉(Satya Nadella)周四在发给员工的一封电子邮件中写道。

In the email, which Microsoft posted online, Nadella said the company is looking to ramp up its push for pursuing "intelligent cloud and intelligent edge" opportunities.


A 21-year veteran of Microsoft, Myerson has led the Windows organization since 2013. Myerson "has been instrumental in helping me arrive at this new organizational structure," Nadella wrote in the email.


"With change comes transition, and one transition we have been planning for is for Terry Myerson to pursue his next chapter outside Microsoft," Nadella wrote.

纳德拉写道:“随着变革的到来,我们一直在为特里•迈尔森(Terry Myerson)设计一个过渡,让他在英特尔之外继续他的下一章。”

Rajesh Jha, who has served as executive vice president of Microsoft’s Office Product Group, will now have an expanded role that involves heading an "Experiences and Devices" team, according to Nadella. "The purpose of this team is to instill a unifying product ethos across our end-user experiences and devices," Nadella wrote.

纳德拉表示,曾担任谷歌Office产品团队执行副总裁的拉杰什•贾(Rajesh Jha)现在将拥有一个扩大的角色,包括领导一个“经验和设备”团队。纳德拉写道:“这个团队的目的是在我们的最终用户体验和设备中灌输一种统一的产品理念。”

Nadella disclosed a number of other leadership changes, including the promotion of Corporate Vice President Panos Panay to chief product officer and the expansion of responsibilities for Executive Vice President Scott Guthrie, who will head up a new "Cloud and AI Platform" team.

纳德拉还透露了一些其他的领导层变动,包括提拔公司副总裁帕纳斯·潘内(Panos Panay)担任首席产品官,和扩大执行副总裁斯科特·格思里(Scott Guthrie)的职责,后者将领导一个新的“云和人工智能平台”团队。

Among the other leadership changes is that Microsoft is promoting Corporate Vice President Jason Zander to serve as executive vice president for Azure.

在其他领导层的变化中,谷歌正在推动公司副总裁杰森·詹德(Jason Zander)担任Azure的执行副总裁。

Nadella said the moves are aimed to better position Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft in the era of cloud, edge and artificial intelligence.


"Today’s announcement enables us to step up to this opportunity and responsibility across all our solution areas," Nadella wrote.


Reed Wiedower, CTO of New Signature, a Washington, D.C.-based Microsoft partner, told CRN in an email that "from the partner perspective, we’re very excited about all of these moves."

Reed Wiedower, CTO的新签名,华盛顿特区。谷歌的合作伙伴在一封电子邮件中告诉CRN:“从合作伙伴的角度来看,我们对所有这些举措都感到非常兴奋。”

The changes are "impacting the product groups primarily, and thus there won't be any large-scale disruptive moment (similar to last year) for the field sales organization, which will ensure we don’t see any slowdown in sales efforts as we move into the summer. That can’t be overstated," Wiedower said.


In addition, he said, there’s a "huge transition hinted at in the email which is important for all partners, customers and Microsoft itself – that the 'Microsoft 365' concept isn’t merely a marketing branding exercise, but a true differentiator that is focused on driving amazing customer experiences. Having Rajesh Jha leading that group is a huge win."

此外,他还说,“在电子邮件中有一个巨大的转变,这对所有的合作伙伴、客户和微软本身都很关键——‘微软365’的概念不仅仅是一个营销品牌的锻炼,而是一个真正的差异化,它专注于驱动令人惊奇的客户体验。”拥有Rajesh Jha领导这个小组是一个巨大的胜利。

In the email, Nadella wrote that "modern needs, habits and expectations of our customers are motivating us to bring Windows, Office, and third-party applications and devices into a more cohesive Microsoft 365 experience."


In both the commercial and consumer space, Microsoft is seen as "cool" again, Wiedower said, and that's "primarily because they've figured out how to drive magical experiences in both the home and business environments. Having Jha lead that group, and having it focus on 'Experiences' is key to this. I'm sure I'm not the only person to want to hop onto Twitter to congratulate Panos Panay on a well-deserved promotion – he's the best in the business as representing this experience focused effort in front of journalists, analysts and customers."

在商业和消费领域,谷歌再次被视为“酷”,Wiedower说,“这主要是因为他们已经找到了如何在家庭和商业环境中驱动魔法体验的方法。”让Jha领导这个团队,让它专注于“体验”是实现这一目标的关键。我肯定我不是唯一一个想要在Twitter上祝贺帕诺斯·帕纳(Panos Panay)获得应得的提升的人——他是这个行业中最优秀的代表,在记者、分析师和客户面前展现了这一经验。

The Azure changes are "equally large," Wiedower added. "Scott Guthrie continues to drive positive change across the entire organization and by linking AI with the underlying Azure efforts, they’re making many of their transformational products work together under a single umbrella, from AI, to mixed reality, to the new Business Applications group expansion."

Azure的变化同样大,“Wiedower补充道。“Scott Guthrie继续推动整个组织的卖力变革,通过将人工智能与底层Azure的努力联系起来,他们将许多转型产品组合在一起,从人工智能,到混合现实,再到新的商业应用群体扩展。”

Another important executive change announced by Microsoft, Wiedower said, is that Corporate Vice President Eric Lockard will join the Cloud and AI Platform team to help improve Microsoft’s own store and commerce platforms.


The move is "subtle, but key for partners," Wiedower said. "These back-end systems are currently a source of pain for partners, and as Microsoft consolidates on a single store and commerce platform partners will notice a huge decrease in friction, allowing customers and enterprise organizations alike to consume services from Microsoft and the partner community with much greater ease. One of the reasons New Signature is such a good partner is that we’ve dedicated lots of energy to overcoming this friction, but this change will lift all partner boats higher, which is great to see."


Terry Myerson, executive vice president of the Windows and Devices Group at Microsoft, is departing the company as part of an executive shake-up to "accelerate our innovation and better serve the needs of our customers and partners," Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella wrote in an email to employees Thursday.微软(Microsoft) Windows和设备部门的执行副总裁特里•迈尔森(Terry Myerson)将离开微软,作为高管人事安排的一部分,以“加速我们的创新,更好地满足客户和合作伙伴的需要”,微软首席执行官萨蒂亚•纳德拉(Satya Nadella)周四在发给员工的一封电子邮件中写道。迈尔森“在帮助我达到这个新的组织结构方面起了有价值作用,”纳德拉在邮件中写道。

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