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今天小木分享几首适合#婚礼# 上播放的音乐吧


①#Hotline Bling[音乐]#
②#Long Lost Sunday Morning[音乐]#
③#Porn Star-Matt Noyes#
④#给你宇宙(우주를 줄게)[音乐]#
⑥#Soap-Melanie Martinez[音乐]#
⑦#Boys (Nevada Remix)[音乐]#
⑧#Crush-Tessa Violet#
⑨#Instagram-Dean[音乐]##木石婚纱##昆明婚纱摄影# https://t.cn/A6hou5jt

#pornhub# PornHub 在向全球开放 PornHub Premium 之后,向德国、西班牙、意大利捐赠了价值 50000 欧元的医护用户和口罩,同时官宣向欧洲从事 S Model 的工作者捐赠 25000 欧元,简评:大气,互帮互助,才是龙头品牌之义举!

While protection may not be prevalent in porn, Pornhub has made a big gesture to safeguard those at the frontline of the coronavirus pandemic. The website has donated 50,000 surgical masks to healthcare workers in New York City, the epicenter of the US outbreak.

As the New York Post reports, Pornhub has launched a multitude of relief efforts, beginning with its impressive — and important — mask donation. While Trump is out here ignoring CDC guidelines by suggesting you can sanitize protective gear for reuse, the porn powerhouse has shipped new masks to three NYC groups: 15,000 to the paramedics labor union FDNY EMS Local 2507, 15,000 to Uniformed Firefighters Association Local 94, and 20,000 to Long Island’s Mount Sinai South Nassau hospital.

“These masks are mission critical in the fight against the COVID pandemic,” said Mount Sinai South Nassau’s Senior Vice President Joe Calderone. “They will help keep our nurses, physicians and support staff safe from infection while caring for those who are stricken with the disease.”

Abroad, PornHub is also sending €50,000 (about $54,050) to help purchase masks and medical equipment in Germany, Italy, and Spain. On top of that, they’re donating an additional $25,000 to the Sex Workers Outreach project to support COVID-19 relief funds aiding sex workers.

What’s more, the website has waived its cut of models’ video sales on Pornhub and Modelhub for the month of April. After a standard processing fee, that means models will keep 85% of their sales as opposed to the usual 65%. That 20% increase could be huge for sex workers struggling to make ends meet in these uncertain times.

To help drive traffic — thus increasing models’ revenue even further — Pornhub is making its Premium service free for the next 30 days. That means for the next month, skin flick fans can enjoy Pornhub Premium sans the $9.99 monthly cost. The site had previously waived the fee for users in locked-down countries like Italy and France, but has now extended the offer worldwide. Essentially, they just made social distancing a whole lot more enjoyable.

(And before you ask, yes, coronavirus porn is already a thing.)

“With nearly one billion people in lockdown across the world because of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important that we lend a hand and provide them with an enjoyable way to pass the time,” Pornhub Vice President Corey said in a press statement. “We hope by expanding our offer of free Pornhub Premium worldwide, people have an extra incentive to stay home and flatten the curve.”

In related news, one of Porbhub’s big competitors, YouPorn, is also make news for its altruistic actions. Yesterday, the adult platform offered to stream this year’s Cannes Film Festival.


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