这个算是这几天的大事了吧、、transistor size在不断变小,但金属层之间的contact resistance越到后面就越降不下来,Applied Materials的重大突破能让它降下来。

The heart of the problem is that in the existing manufacturing process, tungsten contacts must be clad in a layer of titanium nitride. The process involves first forming a hole in a layer of dielectric to contact the transistor, then adding a layer of titanium nitride to line that hole and the surface of the dielectric. The next step uses a process called chemical vapor deposition to put tungsten on all the surfaces at once, growing from the nitride layer inwards within the holes until the hole is filled. Finally, the surface layer of tungsten is removed, leaving just the nitride-clad contacts.

The problem is that even as the diameter of the contact has been shrunk down, the thickness of the cladding has not. In 7-nanometer chips today, contacts are only 20 nanometers wide, and only 25 percent of their volume is tungsten, explains Chen. The rest is cladding.

In July, Applied Materials released a machine that can make tungsten contacts with no cladding at all, reducing resistance by 40 percent. This “selective gapfill process” deposits tungsten from the bottom of the contact hole up instead of on all the surfaces at once. Because it uses a different chemistry than the previous process, there’s no need for a liner’s adhesion enhancement nor its fluorine-blocking ability. However, the process does need to be accomplished completely in a vacuum, so the company built it around a sealed system capable of moving wafers through multiple process steps without exposing them to air.




BV1f54y1X7eb 由程二爷hy引发的骚话(强推!!每日一遍远离抑郁)


kaze ga yureteru
nami ga utatteru
ore wa kyou mo aruiteru
suna wo tsukande
sono atsusa tashikamete
kono kisetsu wo kanjiteru
ah forever your love
(forever your friend)
ano hi no mama no
egao ga koko ni
shizuka ni toki wo kizamu
forever your heart
itsu no hi mo(forever your friend)
nani mo iwazu ni sasaete kureta
omae to futari yorokobi kanjiteru
kawarazu ni nagarete yuku
toki wa tomerarenai
(no, you can't stop time)
kore kara no michi de nani ga attemo
ima wo wasure nai sa
(forever your friend)
sorezore no yume
katariatta hibi
omae no mega suki datta
kokoro no oku ni
kakusenai mirai e no
fuan no mewa kizuiteta
ah forever your love
(forever your friend)
nani ga attemo kawaranai sa to
ano toki itta kotoba ga
hitori demo (forever your friend)
norikoerareru michi wo sagashite
omae to futari mata koko de aruitai
taema naku tsuzuiteku
hoshizora ni chikau yo
(yeah, we'll be there till the end )
sore zore no michi de nani ga attemo
ore wa koko ni iru sa (forever friends)
kawarazu ni nagarete yuku
toki wa tomerarenai
(you can't stop time)
kore kara no michi de nani ga attemo
ima wo wasure nai sa
oh, wasure nai sa

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