
1. willow
17. champagne problems
29. no body, no crime
31. 'tis the damn season
33. gold rush
42. tolerate it
45. happiness
53. ivy
52. evermore
56. coney island
57. dorothea
60. long story short
64. cowboy like me
67. marjorie
76. closure


Laugh when you are happy, laugh when you are unhappy, drink as much as you like, and chase the people you like bravely. This life is so short, and you have to grind your way through it very quickly.This life don't want to please anyone, also don't want to please the world, more don't want to comment on any things, towards their own goal forward line, the other things have nothing to do with me.

▶️forecast( a statement of what will happen in the future)
▶️shower( rainfall in a short time)
▶️scattered( something is spread all over an area)
We are calling for scattered showers throughout the day, with a daytime high of 45 degrees.
▶️mixed bag( a collection of different kinds of things)
It's a bit of a mixed bag in Utah today.
▶️hover around( stay near a certain level or a place)
Unemployment rates are hovering around 10% mark. Despite the government's attempts to stimulate the economy.
The weather has kept hovering around us all night. It was really annoying.
The company's margin this year is hovering around the 40% mark.
▶️Isolated( limited to one area) downpour( strong sudden rainstorm)
We can expect some isolated downpours in the morning.
▶️gust( strong sudden increase in wind speed)
Winds will be coming in from the northeast with gusts reaching 23 miles per hour.
▶️chilly( very cold)
It's a chilly day, folks.
▶️sleet( a mixture of rain and snow)
▶️call for( saying that some type of weather will happen)
▶️coming in from( to enter or arrive from somewhere)
My friends are coming in from chicago.
The kids are coming in from outside.
▶️It's gonna be a cold one.
Temperatures are forecasted to hit 37 degrees today. It's gonna be a hot one, folks.
It's only 8 am and I've got a hundred emails already. It's gonna be a long one today.
I haven't studied at all for the exam. It's gonna be a tough one.

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