#同心抗疫# Ms Liu, a 24-year-old volunteer from Sichuan Province, drove dozens of hours to Wuhan on Feb. 3 with chefs and food materials to cook and deliver food for the medical workers fighting against COVID-19 in the epidemic-hit city for free. Except providing food, she also collects and delivers other donated materials for hospitals. She won herself an affectionate nickname "Raincoat Sister" from the medical workers as she had to wear raincoat due to the lack of protective suits. (Source: Xinhua)#守好小家为大家#

[小黄人不屑]真觉得这学期幸福感直线下降,比上学期还不快乐。 每周production day是deliver了,但是真的做的好差,lack of effort。有时感觉自己已经尽力了,但是可以做得更好,就是不想去做,结果就是一直懒惰[皱眉][皱眉][皱眉] 然后就不会有满意的作品,vicious circle

[失望][失望][失望][失望]I tried to stay positive. I tried.

#医学英语[超话]##pulse diagnose#
The system of pulse taking can be divided intotwo parts:
Part One: The general sensation of the pulse at the two wrists overall: instead of distinguishing each pulse position (cun, guan, chi), the quality of the pulse is categorized generally, as felt under the three fingers. In this case, there are just three pulse readings at each wrist, with superficial, intermediate, and deep pressure. The results of this type of pulse reading are then categorized with combinations of two (or infrequently more than two) pulse categories being possible.
Part Two: Feeling the pulse at each of the individual positions on the wrists, to assess the condition of each of the internal organs. The association of individual pulse positions with internal organs has changed over time and varies from one traditional system to another(illustrating a lack of consistency in interpretation). The current understanding is that the left wrist presents information for the heart, liver, and kidney Yin, while the right wrist presents information for the lung, spleen, and kidney Yang. This classification is consistent with the five element system that depicts five basic viscera; the kidney is subdivided to make the sixth. However, one can alternatively incorporate the pericardium/triple burner system in place of the kidney Yang pulse.

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  • 参合农民个人缴费标准提高为每人180元,各级财政补助相应提高。参合农民个人缴费标准提高为每人180元,各级财政补助相应提高。