Madeon - Good Faith (电子)
温蒂漫步 - Spring Spring (独立流行)
Melanie Faye - Melanie Faye ep (R&B)
The Brownie Band - Julie (独立流行)
SPiCYSOL - The U-KiMAMA'N'i- (Citypop)
Sam Ock - To Belonging (卧室流行)
Duñe/Crayon - Hundred Fifty Roses (R&B)
planttvibes - Bedroom (卧室流行)
Haruka Nakamura - Twilight (氛围/后摇)

#全球视讯#【#美国新冠死亡数超40万#】据美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学统计数据显示,截至美东时间1月19日16时36分,美国累计新冠肺炎确诊病例24210344例,累计死亡病例401128例。The COVID-19 death toll in the U.S. surpassed 400,000 on Tuesday, as a new administration readies to enter the White House. According to Johns Hopkins University, confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S. stood at 24,210,344, with a total of 401,128 deaths as of 4:36 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday.

China remains world's largest online retail market: ministry
China's online retail sales of goods rose 14.8 percent year on year to 9.8 trillion yuan (about 1.5 trillion U.S. dollars) in 2020, data from the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) showed Tuesday.
China has ranked the largest online retail market in the world for eight years in a row, the MOC said, noting that online retail sales accounted for 24.9 percent of the country's total retail sales volume last year.
Surging online sales boosted the courier sector, with a total of 83.36 billion parcels being delivered through the year.
In 2020, e-commerce sales via livestreaming also gained popularity, with more than 20 million livestreaming marketing activities taking place.
The MOC data also showed that the country's imports of consumer goods increased by 8.2 percent year on year to 1.57 trillion yuan.

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