Some ideas on philosophy(8)

Now,I would provide the basic hypothesises of my theory which are those as follows:

1,Brain operates according Economic Principle.In other words,brain works based on minimizing the energy consuming and information storage spaces.
2,Human's decision-making is based on percetion;This is from Hume-Kant philosophy.
Of course,there are some human behaviours rooting in imagination such as religion or propaganda,but they are only few and unmeant 。In most cases,hypothesis two is tenable。
3,Brain needs a mental map about outside world according which human can make their decision.In fact,this is a hypothesis founded by psychologists yet.

4,Human's consciousness contructs mental map of outside world with Exms of things perceted by him.

On the basis of the four basic hypothesis above,I can infer out the frames of human knowledge,including that of science theory and mathematics.
Why does science and mathematics theory has this kind of frame as you know?Why there is a strange Copenhagen annotation in quantum mechanics:wave-particle dualism?And so on!
Then,I will spread my theory to give answers to these questions.

CANCER (JUN 21 - JUL 23) | Ruling Planet: The Moon.

Prediction for Saturday, July 6 2019.

This is the perfect day for immersing yourself in any mundane projects and activities, such as cleaning the house, doing the shopping or making lots of phone calls.

You will enjoy being busy with such things, and it will give you a great sense of satisfaction to know that you are making progress with them all.

You might also do much more chatting than usual.

You can find the rest of the constellations here:

#cancer# #astrology# #horoscope# #zodiac# #constellation#

【“南海有睡莲,夜则花低入水。”作为七月生日花之一的睡莲,有怎样的花语?[疑问]】 On Monet’s Canvas or in Chinese traditional poems, water lilies have always conveyed a sense of serenity. The aquatic plant symbolizes life and purity of heart. As the birth flower of July, water lilies are perfect for those born in the month. They carry important symbolic meanings in many religions, such as resurrection in Hinduism, enlightenment in Buddhism, and purity in both. Though it could represent different meanings across the globe, it is in general good for bridal bouquets. Water lilies are also the national flower of Bangladesh. #2019北京世园会#

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