
USSR Order “Red Star” #2602370 with research.

Grachev Ivan Iliych (Грачёв Иван Ильич) – red army soldier, birth in 1909, not party member, lover education 3 classes, Russian, served in Red Army from 16.02.1943 to 6.11.1945.
Was awarded by:

Order “Red Star” #2602370
Order “Red Star” #2602370 awarded for:

Grachev Ivan Iliych – red army soldier, crew member of anti-tank regiment of 2nd motorized-rifle battalion of 9-th Guard’s Mechanized Red banner brigade.
During being into department Grachev showed himself as one of best red army soldiers. Grachev during combat actions showed bravery and courage and secured performing of assigned task.
1. In region Mitau Grachev’s calculation destroyed 2 heavy and 1 large caliber machine guns and more than 20 Germans.
2. 19.09.1944 reflecting enemy’s counterattack, calculation damaged 2 armored personnel carriers and killed around 40 Germans.
3. 8.03.1945 in region station Eledene calculation where served Grachev destroyed automatic cannon, 2 enemy fire points and killed more than 20 Germans.
Grachev deserves governmental award by order “Red Star”.

Commander of regiment
Guard’s lieutenant %Tamashev%

Anti-tank cannon

利拉德:Wishing a special happy 30th bday to my wife! My life with you is so much better than my life without you. Thank you for being the wife you are…the mother you are…the friend you are… and the super solid person you are. You truly make me a better man and make me stand up taller! I go harder knowing that my work will continue to give you and my kids the world… you and me always baby… I love you ❤️

(When you get back I got something special for you )

#立冬# The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Start of Winter, the 19th solar term, is from November 7 to 22 this year. Start of Winter marks the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. The days are getting shorter and the weather is getting colder. To prepare for winter, many southerners eat foods high in calories (such as chicken, duck, beef, mutton and fish), which are usually stewed with traditional Chinese medicine. The people believe eating such foods can help keep them warm and strengthen their muscles and bones. Many northerners have held to the tradition of eating dumplings on the first day of Start of Winter. As dumplings are shaped like ears, the people believe eating the food can help prevent their ears from suffering from the cold. (Source: Women of China)

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