







We have listened very carefully to your requests for assistance, and we also connect with many of you at night when you have left your bodies and come to us on the astral plane. We know what you want and we understand what you need. We also connect with other beings to work out the best possible ways to deliver to you what you’ve been asking for when you are in a space where you can receive it. We are no different from any other force in this universe. We cannot break the laws of this universe. The laws say that if you’re not a vibrational match to something, you will not receive it.

So really it is our main goal to get you into a higher vibrational state of being so that you can receive what you’ve asked for and what has been granted by ourselves and the beings that we work in harmony with. How can we help you to get into a higher vibrational state, you might wonder. Well, certainly, we do so through these transmissions. We offer a high vibrational frequency of energy through this channel, and that energy is meant for all of you to meet it. We know that you want to meet us, and you can meet us by raising your vibration to be in harmony with that energy.

We also are sending you vibrations that can be absorbed at any time, even when we are not coming through this particular channel. Now, we tell you this because we want to increase your expectation of receiving what you’ve asked for energetically. We also tell you this because it’s true, but know that it’s true should help you to get into a higher frequency state. And again, it is really up to you to be a match to what you’ve been asking for.

Whether you receive what you’ve asked for or not rests on your shoulders, and we are the ones who come up behind you and massage those shoulders to loosen them up. We seek to mesmerize you. We seek to put you in a type of trance state so that you can relax, let go of the heaviness that you often carry around, and receive what we and others like us are offering. You have many ways of doing this as well. You have your own techniques for raising your vibration. We are one way for you to achieve that higher vibrational state. You have so many, and as you gravitate towards them naturally, your vibration will naturally rise up, and that’s when we can sneak in the energies we know you want and need.

And we will continue to do so, whether you continue to receive these transmissions consciously or not. That is our deal with humanity. We are here to help you elevate your consciousness. We are here to help you become spiritual masters, and you are there doing all of the hard work of living in a very polarized, physical environment, and we appreciate you playing your part. We certainly are on Team Humanity and Team Earth, and we always will be.

We are the Arcturian Council [微笑] [爱你]谢谢亲爱的大角星人儿!I LOVE YOU![抱抱][抱抱][抱抱]https://t.cn/AimBtKQO

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