【2019每日“鸡汤”】The world can be changed by man's endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better. No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes.

#怀院-微心情#some people's stories stirred up an old restlessness in me,an urge I'd always had to strike out headlong into the world,to be dauntless.By comparison,my own life here seemed crushingly ordinary.I forsaw my life unfolding as an interminable stretch of nothingness and so I spent most of my childhood years here floundering,feeling like a stand-in for myself,a proxy,as though my real self resided elsewhere waiting to unite someday with this dimmer,more hollow self.I felt marooned.an exil in my own h


(1)在 #今天的福音(路二十一5-19) 中,耶稣建议我们以坚忍作为仓促的解药:“你们要凭著坚忍,保全你们的生命。”

IT: Nel #Vangelodioggi (Lc 21, 5-19) Gesù propone a ciascuno la perseveranza, come antidoto alla fretta: «con la vostra perseveranza salverete la vostra vita».

DE: Im #Evangeliumvonheute (Lk 21,5-19) schlägt Jesus jedem die Beharrlichkeit als Gegenmittel für die Eile vor: »Wenn ihr standhaft bleibt, werdet ihr das Leben gewinnen«.

ES: En el #Evangeliodehoy (Lc 21, 5-19), Jesús nos propone la perseverancia como antídoto contra la prisa: “Con vuestra perseverancia salvaréis vuestra vida”.

FR: Dans l’#ÉvangileDuJour (Lc 21,5-19) Jésus propose à chacun la persévérance, comme antidote à la hâte : "C’est par votre persévérance que vous garderez votre vie.".

LN: In #Evangeliohodierno (Lc 21, 5-19) Iesus cuique patientiam proponit antidotum festinationis: «in patientia vestra possidebitis animam vestram».

EN: In #GospelOfToday (Luke 21, 5-19) as an antidote to haste, Jesus proposes perseverance to each of us: “By your perseverance you will secure your lives”.

PT: No #Evangelhodehoje (Lc 21,5-19), Jesus propõe a cada um a perseverança como antídoto para a pressa: "com a tua perseverança salvarás a tua vida".


IT: I poveri ci facilitano l’accesso al Cielo. Già da ora sono il tesoro della Chiesa. Ci dischiudono infatti la ricchezza che non invecchia mai, quella che congiunge terra e Cielo e per la quale vale veramente la pena vivere: l’amore. #GiornataMondialedeiPoveri

DE: Die Armen erleichtern uns den Zugang zum Himmel. Schon jetzt sind sie der Schatz der Kirche. Sie schließen uns in der Tat den Reichtum auf, der nie alt wird, den Reichtum, der Erde und Himmel verbindet und für den es sich wirklich zu leben lohnt: die Liebe. #WelttagderArmen

ES: Los pobres nos facilitan el acceso al Cielo. Ya desde ahora son el tesoro de la Iglesia. Nos muestran la riqueza que no se devalúa nunca, la que une la Tierra y el Cielo y por la que verdaderamente vale la pena vivir: el amor. #DíaMundialdelosPobres

FR: Les pauvres facilitent notre accès au Ciel. Ils sont d’ores et déjà le trésor de l'Église. Ils nous révèlent la richesse qui ne vieillit jamais, qui unit la terre et le ciel ; pour laquelle il vaut vraiment la peine de vivre : l'amour.#JournéeMondialeDesPauvres

LN: Pauperes nobis properant aditum caeli. Iam nunc ipsi thesaurus sunt Ecclesiae. Reserant enim nobis divitias numquam insenescentes, terram cum caelo coniungentes, propter quas revera pretium est vivere, scilicet caritatem. #DiesMundialisPauperum

EN: The poor facilitate our access to Heaven. Even now, they are the treasure of the Church. They reveal to us the riches that never grow old, that unite heaven and earth, for which life is truly worth living: the riches of love. #WorldayofthePoor


PT: Os pobres facilitam-nos o acesso ao Céu. Já agora são o tesouro da Igreja. Com efeito, eles revelam-nos a riqueza que nunca envelhece, aquela que une a terra e o Céu e pela qual vale a pena viver: o amor. #DiaMundialdosPobres

IT: Che bello se i poveri occupassero nel nostro cuore il posto che hanno nel cuore di Dio! #GiornataMondialedeiPoveri

DE: Wie schön wäre es, wenn die Armen in unserem Herzen den Platz einnehmen würden, den sie im Herzen Gottes haben! #WelttagderArmen

ES: ¡Qué hermoso sería si los pobres tuvieran en nuestro corazón el lugar que ocupan en el corazón de Dios! #DíaMundialdelosPobres

FR: Comme il serait beau que les pauvres puissent occuper dans nos cœurs la place qu'ils ont dans le cœur de Dieu ! #JournéeMondialeDesPauvres

LN: Quam pulchrum esset, si pauperes in corde nostro occuparent sedem quam tenent in corde Dei! #DiesMundialisPauperum

EN: How beautiful it would be if the poor could occupy in our hearts the place they have in the heart of God! #WorldayofthePoor

PT: Como seria belo se os pobres ocupassem em nossos corações o lugar que têm no coração de Deus! #DiaMundialdosPobres

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