#Elena's Englishpod#


Day ₅₈

[熊猫] Daily Life - This Is Your Captain Speaking

A: And the next thing you know, we’re running

towards the... Oh...did you feel that?
B: Yeah, don’t worry about it; we’re just going

through a bit of turbulence.
C: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain

speaking. It looks like we’ve hit a patch of

rough air, so we’re going to have a bit of a

bumpy ride for the next several minutes, and...
A: This why I hate flying... Oh!
C: At this time, I’d like to remind all of our

passengers to fasten their seat beltsand remain

seated until the fasten seat belt sign is turned

off. Please ensure that all cabin baggageis care

fully stowed under the seat in front of you. I’ll

be back back to update you in a minute.
A: Did you hear that? Brent!
B: Don’t worry about it. This is totally normal. It

happens all the......
C: Ah, ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain

again. We’ve got quite a large patch of rough air

ahead of us, so for your safety, we will be

suspending in-flight service. I would ask all

in-flight crew to return to their seats at this

time. I would also like to ask that all our

passengers refrain from using the lavatory until

the seat belt sign has been switched off We

can expect...


Key Vocabulary


◈ turbulence

(sudden, strong movement of air especially

that causes a plane to move up and down

in the air)

2 ◈


(having or causing sudden violent movements)
3 ◈


(small area)
4 ◈


(having sudden up and down movements)
5 ◈

cabin baggage

(suitcases and luggage that travels inside

the plane with the passengers)

6 ◈


(妥善放置; 把…收好)
7 ◈


(will be suspending)
8 ◈


(avoid doing)
9 ◈


(room with a sink and toilet, chiefly on

an airplane or train)

[三三蹦跳] Supplementary Vocabulary

1 ▣

overhead bin

(place above the seat in an airplane

where you can store luggage)
2 ▣


(a suit case that you bring onto the plane)
3 ▣

table tray

(a table that folds down from the seat in

front of you on a an airplane)
4 ▣

life jacket

(piece of clothing that you ware to stay

floating in water /life jacket)
5 ▣

oxygen mask

(a mask worn over your mouth and nose

so you can breathe)

Dear Mr.Hannibal had originally told who is the unsub, using the EMPATHY Will and he both have...
Honestly, it is like that I tell you what I am and how I implement under my thoughts, extremely enabling you to be who I am or who I’v shaped, which is possible for such a process to be the born of his soul, from his shadow of knife... https://t.cn/RU1yWf5

Felix Martin - 非常著名的14/16弦結他手(2 in 1)看來也是Line6的忠實用家

#repost @official_line6
@felixmartinmusic ‘s “Machines”: Powercab 212 Plus, Helix, HX Stomp.
Repost: @felixmartinmusic “The Machines!...If you guys are using pedalboards like the Helix, you have to try out this amp.

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