220429 : Ziqi on TC

: 失踪人口前来报道

: 各位继续搬砖了,我们新作品见!

Tencent 20.00 - 20.30 pm.
#. 王子奇萧瑾瑜空降翻牌#

" It's the first time I've seen him answer chat fanclub in Tencent even if I don't unintelligible
Hopefully one day I'll be lucky wish he'll see little message encouragement from me "


task6 target costing
1.step:①product specifications,external market research②selling price③profit④target cost⑤estimated cost⑤cost gap=EC-TC(首先要判断是否存在,即只有在EC>TC的时候才会有gap;其次计算EC时,包含生产成本和非生产成本 但必须是专为其而发生的★)
2.margin~based on price; mark-up~based on cost
3.closing cost gap(原则: EC↓,TC不变)
①choose a cheaper material without compromising quality:⑴alternative materials ⑵argue cheaper price(bulk buying→discount or new supplier)
②reduce labour cost without affecting quality:⑴overtime but pay little or nothing,however lead to affect morale\work quality\legal action ⑵new staffs,however experience\quality\training ⑶ training staffs→efficiency
③improve productivity(automation or more efficient technology)
④eliminate non-value added activities(use value&esteem value)
⑤try to use fewer parts without influence quality(simply the design)
attention:cost reduction may affect the value of the product
4.service industry服务业不适用目标成本法:Simultaneity同时性,Heterogeneity异质性,Intangibility无形性,perishability无法存储性,no transfer of ownership
5.implications~cost control: life cycle costing just pay attention to cost reduction →target cost control is a part of development of the product
①if there is a cost gap,the product may be manufactured
②target costing is not suitable for the department which is free of charge to customers
③target costing is suitable for new product that has no existing market
④target costing is not suitable for industry that has a larger fixed cost base

【5G NR】搜索空间类型
type 0
type 0A
type 1
type 2
type 3


10.1 UE procedure for determining physical downlink control channel assignment

A set of PDCCH candidates for a UE to monitor is defined in terms of PDCCH search space sets. A search space set can be a CSS set or a USS set. A UE monitors PDCCH candidates in one or more of the following search spaces sets

- a Type0-PDCCH CSS set configured by
pdcch-ConfigSIB1 in MIB or by searchSpaceSIB1 in
PDCCH-ConfigCommon or by searchSpaceZero in
PDCCH-ConfigCommon for
a DCI format with CRC scrambled by
a SI-RNTI on the primary cell of the MCG

- a Type0A-PDCCH CSS set configured by searchSpaceOtherSystemInformation in PDCCH-ConfigCommon for
a DCI format with CRC scrambled by
a SI-RNTI on the primary cell of the MCG

- a Type1-PDCCH CSS set configured by ra-SearchSpace in
PDCCH-ConfigCommon for
a DCI format with CRC scrambled by
a RA-RNTI or a TC-RNTI on the primary cell

- a Type2-PDCCH CSS set configured by pagingSearchSpace in
PDCCH-ConfigCommon for a DCI format with CRC scrambled by a P-RNTI on the primary cell of the MCG

- a Type3-PDCCH CSS set configured by SearchSpace in PDCCH-Config with
searchSpaceType = common for DCI formats with CRC scrambled by
only for the primary cell, C-RNTI, MCS-C-RNTI, or CS-RNTI(s), and

- a USS set configured by SearchSpace in PDCCH-Config with
searchSpaceType = ue-Specific for DCI formats with CRC scrambled by

Type0-PDCCH CSS set
MIB ::
pdcch-ConfigSIB1 or

PDCCH-ConfigCommon ::
searchSpaceSIB1 or

PDCCH-ConfigCommon ::

Type0A-PDCCH CSS set
PDCCH-ConfigCommon ::

Type1-PDCCH CSS set
PDCCH-ConfigCommon ::

Type2-PDCCH CSS set
PDCCH-ConfigCommon ::

Type3-PDCCH CSS set
PDCCH-Config ::
searchSpaceType = common
only for the primary cell, C-RNTI, MCS-C-RNTI, or CS-RNTI(s)

USS set
PDCCH-Config ::
searchSpaceType = ue-Specific

For a DL BWP, if a UE is not provided searchSpaceSIB1 for
Type0-PDCCH CSS set by
PDCCH-ConfigCommon, the UE does not monitor PDCCH candidates for
a Type0-PDCCH CSS set on the DL BWP.
The Type0-PDCCH CSS set is defined by the CCE aggregation levels and the number of PDCCH candidates per CCE aggregation level given in Table 10.1-1. If the active DL BWP and the initial DL BWP have same SCS and same CP length and the active DL BWP includes all RBs of the CORESET with index 0, or the active DL BWP is the initial DL BWP, the CORESET configured for
Type0-PDCCH CSS set has CORESET index 0 and the
Type0-PDCCH CSS set has search space set index 0.

For a DL BWP, if a UE is not provided searchSpaceOtherSystemInformation for
Type0A-PDCCH CSS set, the UE does not monitor PDCCH for
Type0A-PDCCH CSS set on the DL BWP. The CCE aggregation levels and the number of PDCCH candidates per CCE aggregation level for
Type0A-PDCCH CSS set are given in Table 10.1-1.

For a DL BWP, if a UE is not provided ra-SearchSpace for
Type1-PDCCH CSS set, the UE does not monitor PDCCH for
Type1-PDCCH CSS set on the DL BWP. If the UE has not been provided a Type3-PDCCH CSS set or a USS set and the UE has received a C-RNTI and has been provided
a Type1-PDCCH CSS set, the UE monitors PDCCH candidates for
DCI format 0_0 and
DCI format 1_0 with CRC scrambled by the C-RNTI in
the Type1-PDCCH CSS set.

如果没有给UE配置Type1-PDCCH CSS set,则UE不搜索Type1-PDCCH CSS set;
如果没有给UE配置Type3-PDCCH CSS set或者USS set,配置了Type1-PDCCH CSS set,则UE在Type1-PDCCH CSS set上使用C-RNTI接收UE专用数据。

If a UE
- is configured to monitor
a first PDCCH candidate for
a DCI format 0_0 and
a DCI format 1_0 from a CSS set and a second PDCCH candidate for
a DCI format 0_0 and
a DCI format 1_0 from a USS set in a CORESET with index zero on an active DL BWP, and

the DCI formats 0_0/1_0 associated with the first PDCCH candidate and
the DCI formats 0_0/1_0 associated with the second PDCCH candidate have same size, and

- the UE receives the first PDCCH candidate and the second PDCCH candidate over a same set of CCEs, and
- the first PDCCH candidate and the second PDCCH candidate have identical scrambling, and
- the DCI formats 0_0/1_0 for the first PDCCH candidate and
the DCI formats 0_0/1_0 for the second PDCCH candidate have CRC scrambled by either C-RNTI, or MCS-C-RNTI, or CS-RNTI
the UE decodes only the DCI formats 0_0/1_0 associated with the first PDCCH candidate.


first PDCCH candidate: 公共搜索空间的候选PDCCH
second PDCCH candidate: 专用搜索空间的候选PDCCH

发布     👍 0 举报 写留言 🖊   
  • 质地像牛奶 不厚重但很保湿 第二天是很弹润的皮肤状态·la mer浓缩修护精华 天鹅绒质地 舒缓效果很好 我这一小瓶还有一半吧 秋冬用得多·马林狗子高效更新精华
  •   承载着产业导入中心、项目孵化中心、人才集聚中心三大功能,对于山西智创城3号的未来发展,浙江菜根科技CEO胡勇锋表示,希望通过山西本地运营团队和菜根分布在北京
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  • 当我们反思着世事无常,再多的财富再高贵的身躯,临终的一刻终究是带不走的——龍鳳堂出馬仙老于頭 如果信佛只是为了当下所求,求平安、求健康求得荣华富贵;虽有所信,但
  • 因工作需要,我们面向社会公开招聘4名工作人员,详情→ #湖南团团在你身边#On s'est connus, on s'est reconnus,我们一次次见面
  • 因此这些都不会再发生了,因为塔伦蒂诺已经在播客上讲出来了,如果我这样做,就会显得我是在剽窃塔伦蒂诺的作品。这很搞笑。
  • 因为祝我生日快乐的各位的真心与心情,我还真的有点害羞。因为祝我生日快乐的各位的真心与心情,我还真的有点害羞。
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  • 宫晓咏说:我们都有一双手,不在王府吃闲饭观世音菩萨传:第二十一回 卢庄求宿又遇因缘 糯米相贻治愈痼疾话说妙善大师等三众,见天色已经不早,前边又有高山阻路,其势来
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  • 那个时候的我们每天都可以看着太阳缓缓升起,等到那光亮刚好可以盖过讲台上的国旗,昏昏欲睡的感觉才会席卷我的神经……我记得在你的脚下有一片三叶草,风吹过的时候你会和
  • 3月份,这3大星座桃花运旺到爆!
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