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#中国航天# China has four major space launch bases, namely Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Gansu Province, Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in Shanxi Province, Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province, and Wenchang Satellite Launch Center in Hainan Province. China’s manned spacecraft, the Shenzhou spacecraft, was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. China’s Xichang Satellite Launch Center has launched the Chang'e lunar probe. The Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center mainly launches sun-synchronous orbit satellites, such as the Fengyun series of meteorological satellites. As well as the Beidou navigation satellite, the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center launched China's first Mars probe, Tianwen-1. At present, although the launch mission of China's manned spacecraft is carried out at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China’s future manned spacecraft will not be launched at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, but at the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center. In the future, The Hainan Wenchang Satellite Launch Base will play an important role in China's manned lunar exploration mission. The next goal of China's manned spaceflight landing on the moon is to land on Mars. In addition to landing on the moon, perhaps in the future China will launch a manned spacecraft to land on Mars at the Wenchang Satellite Launch Base.

1)Why does using complete set of humans’ commonsense knowledgeon methodological?
And how to papers that target at more general natural language processing tasks by taking advantage of external commonsense knowledge bases?2)Since the application of commonsense knowledge bases is largely driven by their downstream tasks, there is no such universal and standard way to evaluatethe quality of a commonsense knowledge base.3)Show that Singular problems arise when the interval [a,b] is infinite or when p(x_0)=0 and for some x_0∈[a,b] .3)KeyError: 'unexpected key "module.bn1.num_batches_tracked" in state_dict'.

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