Her ivory hands on the ivory keys
Strayed in a fitful fantasy,
Like the silver gleam when the poplar trees
Rustle their pale-leaves listlessly,
Or the drifting foam of a restless sea
When the waves show their teeth in the flying breeze.

Her gold hair fell on the wall of gold
Like the delicate gossamer tangles spun
On the burnished disk of the marigold,
Or the sunflower turning to meet the sun
When the gloom of the dark blue night is done,
And the spear of the lily is aureoled.

And her sweet red lips on these lips of mine
Burned like the ruby fire set
In the swinging lamp of a crimson shrine,
Or the bleeding wounds of the pomegranate,
Or the heart of the lotus drenched and wet
With the spilt-out blood of the rose-red wine.

~ In The Gold Room - A Harmony - Oscar Wilde

Shared Via English Poems Android App. https://t.cn/AiHQzaU0

• The Wages Of An Easy Life - Kim Janssen •

I wish I was a
character in a TV show

Then the only I'd worry about
would be relationships

But my heart stops and I stare
up at the snow falling down

Buried under soft white snow

Scott said life is hard
I know easy feels
just like being dead

This week's ongoing conjunction of Venus and Jupiter may have whetted your appetite for skygazing. Tonight is the main course though. On November 28, a young crescent Moon will join them posing next to the two bright planets above the western horizon at twilight. Much like tonight's visual feast, this night skyscape shows a young lunar crescent and brilliant Venus in the western evening twilight on October 29.

The celestial beacons are setting over distant mountains and the Minya monastery, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan, China, planet Earth. Then Mercury, not Jupiter, was a celestial companion to Venus and the Moon. The fleeting innermost planet is just visible here in the bright twilight, below and left of Venus and near the center of the frame. Tomorrow, November 29, the crescent Moon will also help you spot planet Saturn for desert.

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  • 刘能没事就好啦 跟刘能痘妹真的蛮神奇的 我们从最近的距离到最远的距离 跟刘能是可以随便说一句出不出来吃饭 然后就可以去正佳吃到撑到不行的距离 跟痘妹是近到可以晚
  • 很多情感大师的销售套路就是刺激你的神经,捶打你的痛点,在咨询的时候把所有的分手问题归因到你一个人身上,告诉你自己有多失败,赶紧乖乖交智商税报名。基本上处于挽回方
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  • 双鱼座男生在感情中还是比较没有自信的,经常会害怕自己的另一半离开自己,所以有种患得患失的感觉,如果自己的另一半跟异性有比较亲密的接触,就会非常不安,会想七想八,
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  • 试着去找到生活中的所有美好吧,因为只有那样,才是真正的幸福啊他说有时候 他特别想拥我入怀中不管成绩如何都要记住 一切都是最好的安排为什么人越长大 越胆小
  • 想快点寒假 快点过年 想每天都窝在家里热乎乎的小床 闹钟声是妈妈的声音 睁眼是香喷喷的饭菜 想快点和亲人朋友见面 接下来倒计时的日子 只会越来越期待PS:十二月
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  • 是啊…不知道从什么时候开始变成很想要一套属于自己的房子我猜也许是生活太逼人了吧 只有下班在属于自己的空间 才能卸下一切做回自己.加油[加油]生活会越过越好的.人
  • 皇友早期的文章就说了,如果是阴性,但是搞成阳性,那么真的阳性,搞成阴性会怎么样,就找不到感染源了,前期我文章一直在提醒呼喊这个问题,至于核酸的问题,写了最少有五
  • 因为经李世民这么一次“提醒”长孙无忌一下子牢牢“记住”了李恪,忽然意识到李恪的存在,对自己的外甥李治的太子之位,乃至日后的统治构成潜在威胁。”李世民何等精明,听
  • 一、死后复生之法古人认为,通过一定的修炼,人的真形便可出脱尸身而不死,并将这种不死的修炼方术称之为“尸解”。水解用水的原因主要是由于道人认为水中有仙人,且有仙人
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  • ——自勉哈喽,小伙伴们,今天给大家带来一款可可爱爱的不仅可以APP操作而且还带有蓝牙,不仅可以叫你起床而且还可以伴你入睡的炫彩情调灯哦![爱你]无人驾驶+自动导