[星星][星星][星星]资产确权:对于链外的资产,需要进行确权认证。需要证明在某节点登记的资产,归属权属于该节点身份 Device ID。只有确权的资产,在节点登记并存储,才具备进行权属交易的资格。
NUChain 将采用零知识证明机制,对上链前的链外资产进行确权。 证明成立,资产确权完成。当资产进行交易,权属转移时,采用非交互零知识证明。即通过利用一个双方共享的公用随机串(比如第三方支付、第三方物流、保险等)来实现零知识证明,确定权属转移完成,资产重新确权,绑定收货方。
[星星][星星][星星]Ownership Verification: For an asset off blockchain, ownership verification must prove a node has the ownership of the asset to be registered on it. Only after the ownership of asset is verified can it be registered, stored on nodes, be sold, or transferred.
Zero-Knowledge Proof is adopted to conduct ownership verification before mapping off-chain assets to blockchain. When an asset is traded and the ownership is transferred, non-interactive zeroknowledge proof is adopted. Non-interactive zero-knowledge proof is using a public random string shared by both parties (i.e. third-party payment, third-party logistics, insurance, etc.) to realize ZeroKnowledge Proof, determine the completion of ownership transference, and reestablish asset ownership. Zero-Knowledge Proof is briefly introduced below. We do not focus on the strictness of mathematical proof here. If hash function H satisfy the random oracle machine whose output value length is n, then zeroknowledge proof is accepted and the ownership is verified.





卷积(Convolution)是通过两个函数 f 和 g 生成第三个函数的一种数
学算子,在 RCP 网络中,RCP 与 BTC 存在卷积关系。

卷积层初始投入 1 亿枚币,卷积比例 1BTC=10000RCP;第一层卷
积层只能提取一些低级特征,更多层的网路能从低级特征中迭代提取更复杂的特征。每进化一层,BTC 卷积比例增加 10%,直到


当BTC与RCP发生卷积时,发起卷积的地址会获得90% 或者110%
RCP,激活地址会获得 (min(f1, g1)-min(f0, g0))*5% RCP,5%RCP 掉入空投池。

判定 90% 或 110% 算法,取卷积区块 hash,若|sin(hash)|>(√5-
1)/2,则获得 110%,否则获得 90%。


Convolution is a mathematical operator that generates a third
function through two functions f and g. In an RCP network,RCP has a convolution relationship with BTC.

The first layer of convolutional layer initially invested 210
million coins, and the convolution ratio was 1btc=10000 coins;
the first layer of convolutional layer can only extract some
low-level features, and more layers of networks can iteratively
extract more complex from low-level features. Features.

Foreach layer of evolution, the BTC convolution ratio increases by

When the BTC is convolved with the RCP, the address that
initiates the convolution will get 90% or 110% RCP, and the
activation address will be obtained (min (f1, g1)-min (f0, g0))
*5% RCP, 5% RCP Dropped into the airdrop pool.

Determine the 90% or 110% algorithm, take the convolution
block hash, if |sin(hash)|> (√5-1)/2, then get 110%, otherwise
get 90%.

Is to do what you most want, to live under the conditions that please you, in peace with yourself, to make a hash of life; and is it success to be an eminent surgeon with ten thousand a year and a beautiful wife? I suppose it depends on what meaning you attach to life, the claim which you acknowledge to society, and the claim of the individual.

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