I made a comparison between DFT/FFT implementations with Unity C# Job System and the Burst compiler. Conclusion: The single-threaded FFT is the fastest one. I wonder if there is any parallelization-friendly 1D FFT algorithm.
我做了一个用Unity C# Job System 和 Burst compiler来做DFT/FFT 对接的对比。结论: 单线程FFT是最快的。我在想是否有对并行比较友好的1D FFT算法。

That kind of efficiency is truly impressive, "The purchasing power of the state of California as a nation state." I like how that sounds. The only way Gov. Newsome could source that volume is if he cut a deal with the Chinese government. It would make sense, he was mayor of San Francisco for years and he knows that the Chinese government is doing no favor to any politician in US but give all the favor to businessmen who have big operations in China. When US government, federal or state places a order in China, the order is usually not fulfilled. When businessmen or their cherity foundation place a order in China, there is a good chance shipment will be made. As a nation state, Cali fixed broken ventilators from the federal government and promised future aid to fellow western states. No abuse, no blaming nor playing the victim just a cherent explanation on what is happening, what to be done and how it will be done. California has the mighty hot sun, we've delt with fires, earthquakes and other traumas. I believe California's summer will heavily reduce this viruses presence and the sunshine(more like vitamin D)boosts immune system, we get through this together as always. Sometimes the news media is purposely crafting their stories to increase fear with all kinds of hyperbole, half-truths, lies and authoritative, outlining theoretical, apocalyptic scenarios. Despite being having so many of the earliest cases, California has managed to keep deaths fairly low. For a virus with this level of contagiousness that is a great accomplishment. https://t.cn/8DsrRLP

Haidee spoke not of scruples, ask'd no vows,
Nor offer'd any; she had never heard Of plight and promises to be a spouse,
Or perils by a loving maid incurr'd; She was all which pure ignorance allows,
And flew to her young mate like a young bird;
And, never having dreamt of falsehood, she
Had not one word to say of constancy.

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  • !!
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