The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) warned on Tuesday that Europe's heat wave could persist into the middle of next week, whereas the negative impacts of climate change are bound to continue at least until 2060s. Besides human health, the WMO chief warned that the heat waves will also have a negative impact on agriculture, exacerbating the already huge loss of harvest due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. He said that intense heat waves could become annual occurrences in the coming decades, and that the negative impacts of climate change will continue at least until the 2060s "regardless of our success in climate mitigation." https://t.cn/A6aQN72k

#夏说英文晨读# D1273

Walking while engaging in a separate task, such as light work on a cell phone, could have a positive impact on the brain, according to a new study.

Researchers at the University of Rochester found that some young people do well on cognitive tasks while walking as the brain is changing resources to perform better.


1. engage in 参与,从事于,做(do)

2. light /laɪt/ adj. 轻松的,毫不费力的

· light exercise 轻微的运动

3. have a positive impact on sth. 对……产生积极影响

· Positive words have a positive impact on your feelings.


· 常见搭配:have an effect/influence on 对……有影响

4. do well 做得好,进展顺利

· It is better to do well than to say well.


5. cognitive /ˈkɑːɡnətɪv/ adj. 认知的


We’re usually advised not to check our cellphone while walking, because we might trip over something under our feet. But there’s a new study that shows something counterintuitive.
It’s interesting to know walking while engaging in a separate task, such as light work on a cell phone, could have a positive impact on the brain.
Some researchers from the University of Rochester found that some young people do well on cognitive tasks while walking. Because their brain is changing resources to perform better.

Walking while engaging in a separate task, such as light work on a cell phone, could have a positive impact on the brain, according to a new study.

Researchers at the University of Rochester found that some young people do well on cognitive tasks while walking as the brain is changing resources to perform better.


1. engage in 参与,从事于,做(do)
2. light /laɪt/ adj. 轻松的,毫不费力的
· light exercise 轻微的运动
3. have a positive impact on sth. 对……产生积极影响
· Positive words have a positive impact on your feelings.
· 常见搭配:have an effect/influence on 对……有影响
4. do well 做得好,进展顺利
· It is better to do well than to say well.
5. cognitive /ˈkɑːɡnətɪv/ adj. 认知的


We’re usually advised not to check our cellphone while walking, because we might trip over something under our feet. But there’s a new study that shows something counterintuitive.

It’s interesting to know walking while engaging in a separate task, such as light work on a cell phone, could have a positive impact on the brain.

Some researchers from the University of Rochester found that some young people do well on cognitive tasks while walking. Because their brain is changing resources to perform better. #读书##时间碎片#

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