Diane Dal-Pra
French, b. 1991

Diane Dal-Pra’s surreal oil paintings explore the relationship between our bodies and the objects we possess. In compositions that straddle the line between abstraction and figuration, Dal-Pra renders her subjects in flat plains of neutral colors, then weights, shrouds, or otherwise submerges them in fabric and other everyday items. Based in Paris, Dal-Pra studied design at the University Michel de Montaigne in Bordeaux and has completed residencies at the Palazzo Monti in Italy and Villa Noailles in France. Her work has been exhibited in Paris, London, Milan, and New York, among other cities. Dal-Pra has also completed commissions for Gucci, Kinfolk, and W Magazine.#绘画# https://t.cn/A6xMVr2Y

Diane Dal-Pra
French, b. 1991

Diane Dal-Pra’s surreal oil paintings explore the relationship between our bodies and the objects we possess. In compositions that straddle the line between abstraction and figuration, Dal-Pra renders her subjects in flat plains of neutral colors, then weights, shrouds, or otherwise submerges them in fabric and other everyday items. Based in Paris, Dal-Pra studied design at the University Michel de Montaigne in Bordeaux and has completed residencies at the Palazzo Monti in Italy and Villa Noailles in France. Her work has been exhibited in Paris, London, Milan, and New York, among other cities. Dal-Pra has also completed commissions for Gucci, Kinfolk, and W Magazine.#绘画# https://t.cn/A6xIqHYU

Diane Dal-Pra
French, b. 1991

Diane Dal-Pra’s surreal oil paintings explore the relationship between our bodies and the objects we possess. In compositions that straddle the line between abstraction and figuration, Dal-Pra renders her subjects in flat plains of neutral colors, then weights, shrouds, or otherwise submerges them in fabric and other everyday items. Based in Paris, Dal-Pra studied design at the University Michel de Montaigne in Bordeaux and has completed residencies at the Palazzo Monti in Italy and Villa Noailles in France. Her work has been exhibited in Paris, London, Milan, and New York, among other cities. Dal-Pra has also completed commissions for Gucci, Kinfolk, and W Magazine.#绘画# https://t.cn/A6xI7xJX

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  • 看他一眸一笑一闭眼都好看的熠熠生辉,最令我叫绝的就是闭眼时也如此美丽就在他闭眼这瞬间我觉得万物俱静由内而外散发着美好,他笑时烟波流转间就感觉春风抚过心田,心神
  • 中年是年龄,少女是心态,希望我们能在烟熏火燎的生活中有颗善良的心,保持年轻的心态,眼睛里有纯真,脸上有笑容,生活有惊喜~生活不需要比别人过得好,但一定要比以前过
  • 最近在各大平台上都可以看出,不买华为等于不爱国,我感觉这反而害了华为,华为肯定也不想以此来复出。ios怎么说也经过了14个年头了吧 毕竟现在已经是14.5了,安
  • 老了老了居然离婚了,到了一个小而美到极致的地方,每天就是和喜欢的人出海,玩耍,自娱自乐,这才是生活吧,少而多金,老且无虞,洒脱自在,这样惬意的人生需要修炼多少世
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  • 所以管他呢,我只不过是感慨或者是替他人感慨一下生活的苦难亦或是快乐而已,再说了大家的反馈只不过是生活展现给你们每个人的样子,而我则是想着归总一下生活在你我他眼中
  • ”18.时光不会因为人的意志而停留,每一时,每一刻,它都背负着人类的记忆与过往一步步往前走着,它帮人丢去不想记起的东西,就像是最无辜最公正的旁观者。#马盘# 月
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