



巴西蘑菇,也有神菇的称号,富含多醣体Beta-1,3 D-glucan 和Beta -1,6 D-glucan,有助于T细胞、干扰素和白细胞介素的分泌,强效防止病毒进入身体脆弱的组织
椎茸的Lentinan和LEM 多醣体,能够活化体内自然杀手细胞、增加y-干扰素的产生,强化淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞控制病毒性疾病的发展,促进对抗病毒抗体的产生。

Can I take antibiotics when I am sick?
It is the culprit of cultivate super bacteria❗️

Antibiotics are drugs that kill bacteria in the body. The first antibiotic "penicillin" was discovered in 1928. First successfully used to treat patients with Sepsis in 1942.
Since then, millions of lives have been saved.
However, viral infections, including colds, flu, sore throat, and dengue fever, should not be treated with antibiotics.
Because antibiotics cannot kill the virus,
Instead, they cultivate super bacteria!
Super bacteria are "multi-drug resistant bacteria". Bacteria that can resist more than 3 kinds of antibiotics.

When bacteria evolve to become more resistant to antibiotics, resistance will occur. Infectious diseases that were easy to treat in the past are becoming increasingly difficult.
According to reports, 700,000 people die from superbug-resistant infections every year. It is estimated that by 2050, one person will die from this cause every three seconds.

The Agaricus blazei Murrill (ABM) mushroom is also known as Mushroom of God. The ABM mushroom is rich in the polysaccharides beta-1,3 D-glucan and beta-1,6 D-glucan. These polysaccharides can aid production of T-cells, interferon and interleukin powerful in preventing viruses entering delicate tissues.
Lentinan and LEM-polysaccharides in Shiitake mushroom have the ability to activate natural killer cells and increase the production of gamma interferon, stimulates lymphocytes and macrophages able to curb viral disease growth. Studies show LEM stimulates the production of antibodies to fight different types of viruses.


good morning everyone!Today is March 23rd in the Gregorian calendar,Monday,February 30 of the lunar calendar!Please pay attention to weather changes: Harbin,clear,7℃/-4℃,Northwest wind level 3,Sunny weather,The temperature rose steadily,The breath of spring becomes more obvious,The body feels more comfortable during the day,But the temperature at night is still below freezing,The temperature difference between day and night is large,Please keep the epidemic prevention field staff according to the daily changes in temperature,Dress reasonably,Take good health protection,Pay attention to the prevention of colds and respiratory diseases.As of 5 a.m.,The AQI index of Harbin is 55,PM2。5 is 21,空气质量良好。?

[Life Tips: Water is the best medicine]A medical discovery that shocked the world: stains: a cup of cool white in the morning; colds: drink more water than usual; constipation: sip water; nausea: use salt water to induce vomiting.Fever: Intermittent sips of water are appropriate; Obesity: Drink plenty of water half an hour after a meal; Cough: Drink plenty of hot water; Insomnia: Take a bath and soak your feet.Hot water is a powerful tranquilizer; irritability: drink plenty of water.[Chubacca][Little Yellow Man Scissor Hands][Doraemon Kisses]

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