Mercury, 1531. Artist: Sebald Beham


Male planet, dry and passive; those born under Mercury eloquent, inventive and love science, especially mathematics, and were tall, slender and delicate. Planet's metal quicksilver, its day Wednesday and night Saturday. Friendly to Sun, hostile to Venus. Had two houses, Gemini by day, Virgo by night (see chariot wheels).

#新型冠状病毒肺炎# 【深圳新增2例无症状感染者】Shenzhen reported two asymptomatic COVID-19 cases yesterday. Two more patients were discharged from hospital the same day. As of 12 a.m. today, the city had confirmed a total of 451 cases.

Domestic cases
No new domestic case was confirmed yesterday. The number of domestic cases confirmed in the city remains at 418.

Imported cases
No new imported case was confirmed yesterday. The number of imported cases confirmed in the city remains at 33.

Asymptomatic cases
Two asymptomatic cases were reported yesterday. The two patients came to Shenzhen from the United Kingdom and Hubei Province, respectively. Currently, 17 asymptomatic patients are under medical observation, among which ten are from outside the Chinese mainland.

Of the confirmed cases, 221 are male and 230 are female.

●006《纽约时报》丨克鲁格曼: 经济为谁增长(一)

For Whom the Economy Grows

By Paul Krugman

“What’s in a name?” asked Shakespeare. But
hey, I’m an economist, so let me ask a somewhat different question: What’s in a number?

Quite a lot, suggest Senators Chuck Schumer
and Martin Heinrich. This week they introduced a bill that would direct the Bureau of Economic Analysis, which produces estimates of gross domestic product, to produce estimates telling us who benefits from growth — for example, how much is going to the middle class.

This is a really good idea.

Now, I’m not one of those people who think
G.D.P. is a terribly flawed or useless statistic. It’s a number we need for many purposes. But on its own it isn’t an adequate measure of economic success.

There are a number of reasons this is true,
but one key issue is that it tells you only what’s happening to average income, which isn’t always relevant to how most people live. If Jeff Bezos walks into a bar, the average wealth of the bar’s patrons suddenly shoots up to several billion dollars — but none of the non-Bezos drinkers have gotten any richer.

There was a time when asking who benefits from economic growth didn’t seem urgent, because income was rising steadily for just about everyone. Since the 1970s, however, the link between overall growth and individual incomes seems to have been broken for many Americans. On one side, wages have stagnated for many; adjusted for inflation, the median male worker earns less now than he did in 1979. On the other side, some have seen their incomes grow much faster than the income of the nation as a whole. Thus C.E.O.s at the largest companies now make 270 times as much as the average worker, up from 27 times as much in 1980.


Shakespeare 莎士比亚

economist 经济学家

somewhat 稍微;有点儿

Senator 参议院

bill 法案

direct 指挥


flawed 有缺陷的

adequate 足够的

measure 衡量…的尺度

patron 顾客;主顾

shoot up 暴涨

drinker 饮酒的人

stagnate 停滞

inflation 通货膨胀

median 中值的;中位数的

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