cGill University is one of Canada's best-known institutions of higher learning and one of the leading universities in the world. With students coming to McGill from over 150 countries, our student body is the most internationally diverse of any research-intensive university in the country. In addition to a stellar faculty, McGill is known for attracting the brightest students from across Canada, the United States, and around the world. McGill students have the highest average entering grades in Canada, and our commitment to fostering the very best has helped our students win more national and international awards on average than their peers at any other Canadian university." https://t.cn/RzDHWW5

“I've always believed in numbers and the equations and logics that lead to reason.
But after a lifetime of such pursuits, I ask, "What truly is logic? Who decides reason?"
My quest has taken me through the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional -- and back.
And I have made the most important discovery of my career, the most important discovery of my life: It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can be found.   
I'm only here tonight because of you. You are the reason I am. You are all my reasons.”

重温《美丽心灵》[泪][泪] #美丽心灵[电影]##美丽心灵#

Day 243

Happy Saturday night, my dear friends. Today’s famous quote: To succeed, planning alone is insufficient. One must improvise as well. ( Always bear in the mind that your own resolution is more important than any other one thing. To succeed, planning alone is insufficient. One must improvise as well. People who are resolved to succeed will always find opportunities enough, and if they don’t find them, they will make them. Day by day, and at the end of the day, their days eventually arrive sooner or later. They simply have to put one foot in front of the other and keep going.)

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  • 第二种批评稍进一步:虽然有这么穷的人,但不该拍出来,因为展现了社会阴暗面。第三种批评是:有穷人,也确实该拍,但你这电影拍的根本不是真正的农民,很多细节都不真实。
  • 周九良说只想跟孟鹤堂搭档的时候歪屁股孟周粉:周宝宝太刚了,太可爱了,为什么孟孟不做些什么安双担的心呢周九良实际上选了别人搭档的时候歪屁股孟周粉:啊啊啊,小周跟师
  • 原谅我无法用合适的文字来形容风有多舒服夜有多安静每逢开学我最难以适应的是人会变多可能我喜欢去的地方会变得喧闹起来很自私地期盼着不要有人发现它们...那天突然想
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  • 3. 已知性或可预期性:对于新产品来说,针对特定的受益,其有效性是可预期的;但在评价风险时,其危害通常是未知或非预期的,因此,对于这些危害必须通过预先评价以确认
  • 能理解各位看剧的上头度,但是在磕真人的时候首先是因为剧给你带来了滤镜你才会延伸到演员本身身上(也有些可能是被安利的,但能磕上真人就证明那也是带着剧的角色滤镜才会
  • 乘彩舫,过莲塘,棹歌惊起睡鸳鸯。游女带香偎伴笑,争窈窕,竞折团荷遮晚照。(带香 一作:带花) —— 五代·李珣《南乡子·乘彩舫》古庙依青嶂,行宫枕碧流。水声山
  • 同时含有【橄榄鲨烯】的成分,所以保湿效果,也是也是很棒,干皮用也完全ok! 同时含有【橄榄鲨烯】的成分,所以保湿效果,也是也是很棒,干皮用也完全ok!
  • 碰到了很多很有意思的人,魔兽的网友真的太牛逼,灌的我找不到南北[黑线]于是休整2天,逛了逛昆明市区,骑摩托就是方便!7.30香格里拉-昆明(600公里)高速直达
  • #蒋洋大盗[超话]#不过是她留在江苏,她去了四川不过是没去成迪士尼,没见成面不过是在龙狮城看了一场盛大的烟花秀落幕了,亲爱的大盗们虽然我一直想把8总和娇娇与月洋
  • ”是啊,老一辈的养路,靠的是体力,辛苦自然不得说,可是他们也是从我们这样的年纪过来的,他们也曾青葱白指,当他们选择了公路这一行业,选择拿起铁锹和扫把时,硬生生将
  • 可是就算这样,我也只能像是在平时回忆往事的过程中,以一个本体之外的第三者目睹着一切,像是通过谁的视角。初中时总是想着另一个自己,现在想来,那不过是可以跳脱我本体
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  • 很多人在说这部电影后劲真大,我想也许是因为它够深刻,够直接,电影里的悲 善 恶 都很纯粹,因为这样的苦难真实存在,有一些痛需要被看到。漫画:@包二少 ★白羊:总
  • 多少人因为一个小小的失落,一次小小的失败,就沉迷在过往里,觉得自己“不行”抱怨“我没有一个好爸爸”怀疑“人生都是欺骗”……但,生活就是这样,不会一直给你甜,不会
  • 沉香如屑,沉香重华,你是最好的在我心里#我爱苍生 也爱一人# 虽然我笑点和泪点都极低,但是因为一部剧连哭三晚还是第一次(真的太好哭了,是听到诀爱都想抽纸巾的程度
  • 按照镇里要求,他带领该村干群,从8月29日早上开始,负责在引江济汉出水闸旁的拦水坝上值守,已连续值守两个通宵。邵海涛说:“通过提前行洪,水库内水位已下降约3米,