“Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?”
Matthew 6:26

You are extremely valuable to God. He even said in Isaiah 43:4, “You are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you”. ❤️

You are valuable because God is your Father, and you are his child.
And because Jesus gave his life for you. The Bible says, “You have been bought and paid for by Christ, so you belong to him” (1 Corinthians 7:23. The fact that you belong to God adds incredible value to your life. " ❤

☆ Sasha Alex Sloan

_I used to shut my door
_When my mother screamed in the kitchen
_I'd turn the music up
_Get high and try not to listen
_To every little fight
_'Cause neither one was right
_I swore I’d never be like them
_But I was just a kid back then
_The older I get, the more that I see
_My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me
_And loving is hard, it don't always work
_You just try your best not to get hurt
_I used to be mad, but now I know
_Sometimes it's better to let someone go
_It just hadn't hit me yet
_The older I get
_I used to wonder why
_Why they could never be happy
_I used to close my eyes
_And pray for a whole 'nother family
_Where everything was fine
_One that felt like mine
_I swore I’d never be like them
_But I was just a kid back then
_The older I get, the more that I see
_My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me
_And loving is hard, it don't always work
_You just try your best not to get hurt
_I used to be mad, but now I know
_Sometimes it's better to let someone go
_It just hadn't hit me yet
_The older I get
_The older I get, the more that I see
_My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me
_And loving is hard, it don't always work
_You just try your best not to get hurt
_I used to be mad, but now I know
_Sometimes it's better to let someone go
_It just hadn't hit me yet
_The older I get

The fact that you aren't where you want to be, should be enough motivation. ​​​没成为想成为的人,这就是你最大的动力!

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