I am nothing special ,of this I am sure.I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten ,but I've loved another with all my heart and soul,and to me,this has always been enough. https://t.cn/Rxu43Uc

#英语[超话]#If you do not turn on the TV or do not read the news on the internet you might even think that you were on vacation. But if you did that you would be fooling yourself because no matter whether it's night or day our enemy is awake doing its dirty work. In addition, I can't help worrying about my friends live all around the globe.


After my graduation from college, I thought that I would be a police officer for life. Till the day I quit, I found out that it is only a job, and I have no idea what my career would be.
Many people have not figured out, or even do not care, about the difference between a career and a job.
To Ross, Rachel, Joey, Monica, their goals are being the best at some certain fields, so that they could call their jobs as a career.
To us, or many young people nowadays, the goal is making more money. And the job we are currently doing, has become the approach leads us to the goal, instead of the goal itself.
Then, here comes the question, should we chasing our dreams with the foundation of a well-off life, or the fortune would pour into with the insistence of chasing our dreams?

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