一些外粉对于这次事件的表达。@beoncloudofficial since u suddendly really good at using weibo. I am gonna tag u here again. Seems like the MileApo‘s Fandom know how to communicate with fans, they are better at public relations, and they behave more professionally and better than you do. You should be ashamed of yourself. @beoncloudofficial

Sahrawi Cause
Lamamra receives UN chief's personal envoy for Western Sahara
ALGIERS- The minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad,, Ramtane Lamamra, on Monday received UN Secretary General's personal envoy for Western Sahara, Staffan de Mistura, who is on a visit to Algeria, the ministry said in a statement.
The meeting was held in the presence of Algeria's special envoy for Western Sahara and Maghreb countries, Amar Belani.
The two sides discussed "the latest developments of Western Sahara issue and the prospects for supporting UN efforts to resume the direct negotiations between the two parties to the conflict, namely the Kingdom of Morocco and the Polisario Front, in order to reach a just, lasting and mutually acceptable solution that ensures Sahrawi people's inalienable and imprescriptible right to self-determination, in line with the relevant United Nations resolutions and decolonization doctrine," the ministry said in the statement.

De Mistura meets Sahrawi President Brahim Ghali
Shahid al Hafid (Sahrawi Refugee Camps)- UN Secretary General's personal envoy for Western Sahara, Staffan de Mistura, met Sunday evening the president of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) and secretary general of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, at the headquarters of the Sahrawi presidency.
The discussions were held behind closed doors between De Mistura and the Sahrawi president, in the presence of the Polisario Front's representative to the United Nations, Sidi Mohamed Omar, as part of his second visit to the Sahrawi refugee camps since his appointment.
The meeting is part of an in-depth consultation process with the different sides, with the extension of consultations to the various activities of Western Sahara society, ahead of the drafting of a report to submit to the Security Council next October.
The meeting with the Sahrawi president, the last stage in the visit the UN chief's personal envoy made to Sahrawi refugee camps, will help De Mistura in the search for new ways to resolve Western Sahara conflict, after a similar visit to the Moroccan side last July.

Mahmoud Al-Saleh elected head of Arab Committee for Solidarity with Sahrawi People
DAMAS- Mahmoud Al-Saleh was elected new chairman of the Arab Committee of Solidarity with the Sahrawi people to succeed the Syrian lawyer Mahmoud Merhi.
Mahmoud Al-Saleh was elected Tuesday during a virtual meeting attended by Arab representatives in solidarity with the Sahrawi cause from Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen and Mauritania.
The participants also elected an executive board to be headed by Mahmoud Al-Saleh and chose Haifa Massaeda as secretary.
Mahmoud Merhi has chaired the Arab Committee for Solidarity with the Sahrawi People since its inception in 2005.

Crossing of "Africa Eco Race" Rally through Western Sahara, support to Moroccan occupation

BRUSSELS- Member of the national Secretariat of the Polisario Front for Europe and the European Union (EU) Abi Bouchraya Bachir affirmed that the crossing of the Rally “Africa Eco Race” through the occupied Sahrawi territories without the authorization of the Polisario Front is a “clear support to the objectives of the forces of the Moroccan occupation aimed at annexing Western Sahara by force.”

“The organizers’ contribution of the in this direction, by exploiting the values of sport to support expansionist acts is a renunciation of the principles and ideals of sport,” said Saturday Abi Bouchraya in a statement quoted by the Sahrawi news agency SPS.

Facing this immoral and illegal move, the Polisario Front, in its capacity as the Sahrawi people’s legitimate representative, condemns vigorously the illegal inclusion of the occupied Western Sahara in the route of the Rally, and warns Morocco against the continuation of its aggression policy which threatens the region’s stability and security and the populations’ future.”

According to the statement, the “Africa Eco Race” Rally, scheduled from 15 to 30 October, follows the same route as Paris-Dakar Rally, from the south of France to reach Senegal via Mauritania. The Sahrawi diplomat said that the organizers pretend to ignore the existence of Western Sahara and plan to cross the territory illegally without requesting authorization from the Sahrawi people’s sole representative, i.e. the Polisario Front.

The Sahrawi diplomat warns the organizers that hiding this fact “exposes the potential participants to unknown risks in view of daily military confrontations between the Sahrawi People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) and the forces of the Moroccan occupation, and millions of anti-personal mines laid by the Moroccan occupier throughout the Sahrawi territory.”

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