位于巴拉圭山林中的钢铁大宅Himmel Trial House,由Bauen设计完成。

Having the advantage of a 360° view of the mountain range, designing the house was not an arduous task. One of the strongest criteria of the design was to not interfere with the site conditions, leaving the vegetation untouched and avoiding invasive earth movements. Another crucial point kept in mind was that the house should not obstruct the view from higher spots of the sierra, which positions the house over an irregular topography, this implantation solution makes the volume almost imperceptible entering the field and one only becomes aware of its presence when reaching a few meters closer to it.

位处喜玛拉雅山东边山麓的纳尔巴里以古老寺庙及如画美景著称,其中最有名的寺庙是已有500年历史,供奉黑天神的比勒殊瓦尔门迪尔(Billeshwar Mandir)。其他值得到访的寺庙包括:建于十八世纪的巴苏迪夫迪瓦拉亚(Basudev Devalaya)、同样祭祀黑天神的哈里门迪尔(Hari Mandir)、以及距离古瓦哈提约70公里,由阿洪帝王苏坦法(Sib Singha,在位年间1714-1744年)兴建,敬拜雪山神女帕尔瓦蒂的斯里普尔迪瓦拉亚(Shripur Devalaya)。该镇北面是印度—不丹边境,南面是布拉马普特拉河,为古瓦哈提的旅游热点。
Lying at the foothills of the eastern Himalayas, Nalbari is famous for its age-old temples and scenic beauty. One of the most famous temples is the 500-year-old Billeshwar Mandir, which is dedicated to Lord Krishna. Built in the 18th century, the Basudev Devalaya is another popular temple in Nalbari. Tourists can also pay obeisance at the Hari Mandir, dedicated to Lord Krishna. Located about 70 km from the city of Guwahati, Nalbari is home to the Shripur Devalaya, which is said to have been built by Ahom king Sib Singha (1714-1744), and is dedicated to Goddess Parvati. The town is surrounded by the Indo-Bhutan border towards its north and the Brahmaputra river to its south, and is one of the most visited spots in Guwahati.

Yu Zhang
On a trip to Kyoto, I stumbled upon a building in a narrow alley that resembled the buildings of the Republic of China. It was then that I became interested in what was left of Japan's ancient architecture. Among the buildings I photographed, in addition to the famous ones I found on the Internet, there are also some scenic spots that are not on the map, which are told to me by local people I met by chance during my travel photography. I shot it with a large format film camera 4×5 (Sinogo), all when no one was around and on a cloudy day. In busy places like downtown, there is sometimes a long wait for people to leave before you can film.

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