I’m never ever giving you up,i’m never ever leaving you, my love ❤❤
I’ll forever and ever love and cherish Oppa ❤Before i met Oppa, my life was empty. ❤
I had no purpose in life.
Now that Oppa in my life..
I can’t imagine my life without you,baby ❤
Loving Oppa is the air that keeps me breathing.❤
I was impressed with Oppa for the very first time i laid my eyes on you.❤❤
And since then, Oppa making me proud of almost everything you do❤
I now know that miracles do happen, because of you, baby.❤
Oppa is my endless love, my true love, i love you forever more ❤❤❤❤❤

You are my addiction and i don’t want to fight it. ❤
You’re like a magnet,
pulling me towards you even on the darkest night.❤✨
I can conquer the world with one hand, as long as you’re holding the other.
I love you and will keep loving you till the end of my life.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I don’t know how and when Oppa got inside
my heart, but i want that Oppa remain there forever.❤

I can’t explain the way Oppa make me feel when i hear your voice or see your face, but i adore it soooo much ❤❤
Oppa is so much more than I ever dreamed of.❤ I want you to know that Oppa complete my life and fill my heart.❤❤❤❤
In the time that we spent together, Oppa managed to find yourself a very special place in my heart.❤☺
Nobody else will ever be able to replace oppa. ❤
I love you Oppa much.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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