stalling :数秒,在读秒的时,要先喊 stalling
stall out: 数秒时间到
pick :阻挡
disc space: 保持一个盘的距离

Preserved meat and vegetables at a stall in Qingyan, all covered in chili peppers (辣椒). Guizhou cuisine is characterised by two flavours: spicy and sour. This is because traditionally the region lacked access to salt and oil. Nowadays, almost all savoury dishes in Guizhou are served with lajiao (chili peppers) in one form or another, either in the dish or on the side.

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The Pump Room Restaurant
Searcys, Pump Room, Stall Street, Bath, BA1 1LZ

The Pump Room, with its glittering chandelier and spa fountain, embodies what was once the heart of the Georgian social scene, when high society flocked to the city for the waters which they believed would relieve all their illnesses and discomforts. Whilst the Romans would have bathed in the mineral-rich water, it was the Georgians who began drinking it in the late seventeenth century. They came here to take the waters, which you can still do today.

Adjacent to the historic Roman Baths, The Pump Room Restaurant is one of the city’s most magnificent and elegant dining establishments. Open for morning coffee and afternoon tea, The Pump Room Restaurant serves delicious modern British cuisine by renowned caterers Searcys.

One of the most popular quintessentially British traditions to enjoy when visiting Bath is afternoon tea. The Pump Room Restaurant provides the perfect backdrop for this sophisticated experience, offering a selection of different teas, coffees or Champagne with delicate sandwiches, pastries and cakes. You’ll also find Bath Buns on the menu, a local delicacy that’s not to be missed! Special children's afternoon tea menus are often available during holidays.

The Pump Room Trio and pianist also play in the restaurant daily, providing wonderful musical accompaniment to your morning coffee or afternoon tea.

You’ll also find a fountain flowing with the warm spa water that the city is founded upon, used to heat the Roman Baths and Pump Room in the winter months. You can taste the water, which contains 43 minerals – beware, though, it has quite an extraordinary taste to it!

The morning menu is served from 10.00am until 11.45am, featuring famous Bath buns and cakes with tea or coffee.

The afternoon tea menu is served from noon until 17.45pm, Monday to Sunday with savoury and sweet selections to enjoy.

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