How great is LYN as the L'Oréal's brand ambassador? He is a good looking and being talented indeed. I'm proud of you.

By the way, I'm so jealous who can get LYN's big poster with his signature on it. Congratulations anyway. You are so lucky!


19th Algeria-Mauritania Great Joint Commission: Convergence of views on Arab, regional issues

NOUAKCHOTT-The 19th session of the Algeria-Mauritania Great Joint Commission for Cooperation wrapped up Wednesday in Nouakchott. The two countries converged on different Arab and regional issues.

Concerning the Libyan issue, Algeria and Mauritania expressed their support for international efforts aimed at resolving the conflict in Libya, calling on all parties in this country to “favor dialogue, understanding, and reconciliation, as it is the only path towards the resolution of the crisis and the preservation of the country’s unity, security, and stability,” said Prime Minister Aimene Benabderrahmane and his Mauritanian counterpart, Mohamed Ould Bilal Messaoud in a statement.

Regarding the Palestinian cause, the two parties renewed their “unwavering solidarity" with the Palestinian people and their right to establish an independent and sovereign state with Al-Quds as its capital. They also condemned the repeated and systematic Zionist violence against the Palestinian people, added the source.

“The Mauritanian part welcomed Algeria's efforts aimed to unify the ranks of the Palestinian people and their factions,” said the source.

As for the situation in the Sahel region, Algeria and Mauritania lauded the efforts to spread security and stability in Mali and throughout the region.

Algeria referred to its efforts as the leader of the Monitoring Committee on the implementation of the Peace and Reconciliation Agreement in Mali 2015 in Algiers, welcoming the results of the 6th session of this Committee held in early September.

In this regard, the two parties welcomed the cooperation of the member countries of the Joint Operational Army Staffs Committee (CEMOC), expressing their willingness to ensure permanent support for this cooperation within the framework of the mentioned organization.

Algeria and Mauritania welcomed the “convergence of views” on important continental issues and their permanent coordination within the African Union (AU) aiming at defending the interests of the African peoples. The two sides also pledged to exchange support for the applications of the two countries within the AU and its bodies.

Oran Forum: Call to close Arab ranks (Declaration of Oran)

ORAN- The participants in the “Intergenerational Communication to Support Joint Arab Action” Forum, whose works wrapped up on Wednesday in Oran, called on the Arab leaders, who will participate in the next Arab Summit of Algiers, to unify the Arab ranks in order to revive the values of solidarity and mutual aid.
The participants, through the Declaration of Oran read at the wrap up of the works, called “the Arab leaders, who will meet in Algiers on 1st November, for the unification of the Arab ranks in order to revive the values of solidarity and mutual aid which enabled our nation of yesteryear to face the most powerful colonial forces, and which will enable it to defend their interests by all legitimate means and ways.”

They also called to “unite around the central Arab issue, namely the Palestinian cause, through a strong unified position by reviving the Arab peace initiative in support of the Palestinian people’s legitimate and inalienable rights, notably the establishment of their independent and sovereign State with al-Quds as capital.
In their Declaration, the participants “pleaded for the activation of the Arab League’s role in facilitating the efforts for the political settlement of the crises that the Arab countries are experiencing, through the adoption of a comprehensive approach giving precedence to the interests of the Arab peoples and dialogue, in accordance with the Arab League’s Charter.”

They also advocated the continuation of the project of reform and development of the joint Arab action system via the modernization and updating of all the Arab organizations to live up to the Arab citizens’ expectations while involving the Arab civil society in the implementation of the national and Arab programmes aimed to achieving sustainable development as part of the good governance and the fight against corruption.

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