1= to get ready 准备.
apparatus n. 设备
ap 加强 + par 准备 + atus → 准备好用的东西 → 设备
prepare v. 准备
pre 预先 + par 准备 + e → 准备
repair v. 修理
re 再 + pair〔= par〕准备 → 重新准备〔好〕→ 修理
2= to bear,to produce 生,产.
biparous adj. 产双胎的
bi 二 + par 生,产 + ous …的 → 产双胎的
multiparous adj. 多产的
multi 多 + par 生,产 + ous 有…性质的,关于…的 → 多生产的
parent n. 父母
par 生,产 + ent 表人 → 父母
parentage n. 出身
parent 父母 + age 表身份 → 出身
3= to appear,to come in sight 出现,看见.
apparel n. 衣服;外观
ap 加强 + par 出现,看见 + el 表物 → 穿出来的东西 → 衣服
apparent adj. 显而易见的
ap 表加强 + par 出现,看见 + ent 具有…性质的 → 一再能看见 → 显而易见的
apparition n. 鬼怪,幽灵
ap 表加强 + par 出现,看见 + ition 行为,状态,结果,由行为产生的事物 → 凭空出现 → 幽灵
transparent adj. 透明的;明白的
trans 越过 + par 出现,看见 + ent 具有…性质的,关于…的 → 可以看穿的 → 透明的
transparency n. 透明度
trans 变换 + par 出现,看见 + ency 表状态 → 透明度
4= to equal 相等.
comparable adj. 可比较的
com 共同 + par 相等 + able 可…的 → 可比较的
comparative adj. 比较的;相对的
com 共同 + par 相等 + ative 有…倾向(性质)的,属于…的 → 比较的;相对的
compare v. 比较
com 共同 + par 相等 + e → 放在一起看是否相等 → 比较
comparison n. 比较
disparage v. 贬抑
dis 不 + par 相等 + age 表行为 → 使不相等 → 贬抑
disparate adj. 迥然不同的
dis 不 + par 相等 + ate 具有…的,有…性质的 → 不相等的 → 迥然不同的
disparity n. 差异
dis 不 + par 相等 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 差异
imparity n. 不平等
im 不 + parity 相等 → 不平等
omniparity n. 一切平等
omni 全部 + parity 相等 → 一切平等
parity n. 相等
par 相等 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 相等
partake v. 参与;分享
par 相等 + take 拿 → 每人拿平等的一份;取得平等〔资格〕参与 → 参与;分享


近日发行的《夜莺之歌》讲述了一只处于低谷的球队的故事,鸟儿们为了拿到冠军,转战于足球、板球和橄榄球之间。为了应对獾、雄鹿和松鼠等动物带来的挑战,夜莺们便向亨德森、英格兰板球队队长Joe Root和橄榄球球星Anthony Watson寻求帮助。这本儿童读物所有收益将捐赠给 NHS。

亨德森表示:“对世界各地的家庭来讲,现在都是困难时期。但我们必须要相信,我们可以一起渡过难关。《夜莺之歌》是一个关于希望的故事,它有助于向孩子们证明:只要大家像一个团队一样团结在一起,我们就可以克服任何困难。这与我们看到的来自全国各地的孩子们透过窗口向NHS 传达的信息相呼应。我很自豪能够支持这么有意义的事。”

We are sending all of you waves of energies that are designed to help you with the root chakra cleansing that you continue to do there on Earth. We know that this is the most challenging chakra for all of you to purge because of the intensity of your lives there in the physical realm there on Earth. Your root chakras hold all of the fears, all of the trauma, all of the stuck energy that you have ever experienced in all of your lifetimes, and that is why so many of you are not in the flow energetically with your physical bodies, with abundance, with all that you want to manifest in your lives.

This is why you have a high homeless population as well. So the system that you have in place right now that allows the rich to get richer while the very poor suffer is in place because of the collective root chakra cleansing that you need to do as human beings. Therefore, we have sent these waves of energies to assist you in opening up and releasing what no longer serves you from those very intense root chakras that you have there.

And we are being assisted by Pleiadians, who are the master healers of this galaxy. We know that many of you who are there on Earth right now are also masters in the healing arts, and you will be assisting us and your guides in getting these energies to where they need to go within yourselves and your fellow humans. This is a time when so much positivity can come out of the circumstances you have all been living in, and if you open yourselves up and feel for the very helpful, healing energies that are coming in, you can do so much for yourselves and your fellow humans at this time.

This is just the beginning. Once you have cleansed out everything that you need to from your root chakras, you will be able to allow in so much more, and you will see the changes in the systems that you have in place there on Earth, making it easier for every single human being to thrive. And that is what those of you who are awake want, and it is also what you are there to assist in making happen.

We are the Arcturian Council [思考] 是的呢!谢谢亲爱的大角星人儿和亲爱的昴宿星人儿!!I LOVE YOU!!! https://t.cn/A6AmnLRa

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