花间兔,感觉跟这个https://t.cn/A6oNFHGG 是同一块料子

Title: Sutra Cover
Date: 16th - early 17th century
Artist: Artist/maker unknown, Chinese
Medium: Rabbit and floral pattern brocaded on self-colored floral spray
Dimensions: 14 3/8 × 5 1/16 inches (36.5 × 12.8 cm)
Classification: Textiles
Credit Line: Purchased with the John T. Morris Fund from the Carl Schuster Collection, 1940
Accession Number: 1940-4-85
Geography: Made in China, Asia
Context: Dynasty: Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)


Title: Sutra Cover
Date: 16th - early 17th century
Artist: Artist/maker unknown, Chinese
Medium: Lampas with medallions with fill-ins of lotus flower
Dimensions: 13 3/8 × 4 3/4 inches (34 × 12 cm)
Classification: Textiles
Credit Line: Purchased with the John T. Morris Fund from the Carl Schuster Collection, 1940
Accession Number: 1940-4-222
Geography: Made in China, Asia
Context: Dynasty: Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)

Title: Sutra Cover
Date: 16th - early 17th century
Artist: Artist/maker unknown, Chinese
Medium: Lampas with medallions with fill-ins of lotus flower
Dimensions: 13 7/16 × 4 13/16 inches (34.2 × 12.2 cm)
Classification: Textiles
Credit Line: Purchased with the John T. Morris Fund from the Carl Schuster Collection, 1940
Accession Number: 1940-4-223
Geography: Made in China, Asia
Context: Dynasty: Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)

Title: Sutra Cover
Date: 16th - early 17th century
Artist: Artist/maker unknown, Chinese
Medium: Lampas with medallions with fill-ins of lotus flower
Dimensions: 13 3/8 × 4 3/4 inches (34 × 12 cm)
Classification: Textiles
Credit Line: Purchased with the John T. Morris Fund from the Carl Schuster Collection, 1940
Accession Number: 1940-4-224
Geography: Made in China, Asia
Context: Dynasty: Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)

Title: Sutra Cover
Date: 16th - early 17th century
Artist: Artist/maker unknown, Chinese
Medium: Lampas with medallions with fill-ins of lotus flower
Dimensions: 13 7/16 × 4 3/4 inches (34.1 × 12 cm)
Classification: Textiles
Credit Line: Purchased with the John T. Morris Fund from the Carl Schuster Collection, 1940
Accession Number: 1940-4-225
Geography: Made in China, Asia
Context: Dynasty: Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)


Title: Sutra Cover
Date: 16th - early 17th century
Artist: Artist/maker unknown, Chinese
Medium: Satin with supplementary gold strips, large chrysanthemum with foliage
Dimensions: 13 3/8 × 4 3/4 inches (34 × 12.1 cm)
Classification: Textiles
Credit Line: Purchased with the John T. Morris Fund from the Carl Schuster Collection, 1940
Accession Number: 1940-4-19
Geography: Made in China, Asia
Context: Dynasty: Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)

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