Color: Purple and gold

Corresponding chakra: Solar plexus

Elohim: Peace and Aloha

Archangel: Uriel and Aurora

Chohan: Nada

Pure qualities:
Traditionally, the primary sixth ray quality is seen as peace, but it is a “peace that passeth understanding.” Thus, it is an inner sense of being unmoved by the dualistic appearances that are pulling at one from all sides. It is the ability to stand in the midst of a raging conflict and feel the stillness within. It is the ability to feel the pull that seeks to draw you into an unbalanced expression of anger, yet you can remain centered and decide that you do not want to go there.

When you have this peace, you can then give truly selfless service, because you will intuitively work to bring harmony into every situation. And of course, harmony is the key to helping people see beyond the dualistic struggle and find common ground. A person with developed sixth ray qualities is always looking for common ground and has an ability (especially when the upper chakras are also pure) to draw people towards common ground.

The immediate perversion of the sixth ray qualities are anger and agitation, expressed as a very aggressive drive to force others to change or to punish those who resist. It is a non-peace that also passeth understanding, because there is no way to reason with a person who has perverted the sixth ray qualities. They act blindly on their feelings of rage, and they will time and time again do or say things they regret later. They will even do things that everyone knows is wrong, yet be completely blind to it at the moment.

Another perversion is what some see as peace, but it is truly passivity, the unwillingness to take a stand for anything. Thus, people with this perversion tend to act as victims, who can only react to external forces and refuse to take responsibility for their lives. There are also people who lose individuality and become part of a “mob mind” that acts blindly or blindly follows a strong leader. Another perversion is a blind sense that violence and warfare can provide viable solutions or that in some situations they are the only way to react, even justified ways to react.

【《少女革命》BD-BOX发行,封面由漫画版作者齐藤千穗绘制】由动画导演几原邦彦率领的团队 BE-PAPAS 担任原作、剧本等的日本跨媒体制作作品──《少女革命(UTENA)》动画 Blu-ray BOX 上下卷即将在明年发行,商品的包装盒封面插图由漫画版作者,齐藤千穗(さいとうちほ)小姐绘制。#工藤新一#


另外,6月26日发售的动画Blu-ray BOX下卷的展开图公开了。下卷收录第7~13话。


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