Stay at home with whole Lanshan district Linyi city, day 7. 真不敢想象,已经一个星期了,还没有要解封的任何迹象。

Stay at home with whole Lanshan district Linyi city, day 4. (听说河东区明天可以出门买菜了)

【Zhao Lei-Sydney Academy of Art】

Shandong Yinan :Yimeng people -- Zhao Lei(山东沂南:沂蒙山人--赵磊):

The word is white, Shen, alias of Yimeng people, send fou Zhai Zhu, Shandong Province, Linyi (ancient Langya - the hometown of Wang Xizhi (Yinan) Guyang - the hometown of Zhu Geliang), member of Shandong Calligraphers Association, director of the Wang Xizhi painting and Calligraphy Art Research Institute China, Da Dao De net public service consultant, China poetry network member.
Calligraphy and painting works (all seals used to be addressed to Mr. Zhao Xuebo, seal cutting) were awarded the excellent prizes in the national calligraphy network competition, selected into the national invitation invitation exhibition of Chinese paintings and the collection of the memorial hall built by the Shandong Anti Japanese democratic regime.
All the teachers from -- Thanksgiving, the Pengzhongbiaowai of noble character and high prestige, have both ability and political integrity:
Where the teachers graduated from the Tsinghua University China Calligraphers Association, Beijing Calligraphers Association, calligraphy works of Lanting Pavilion award, the National Women's Exhibition Award, the literati, calligraphy and painting -- on the teacher
The script from Yinan County senior teacher, writer, painter Guo Chengdong teacher 11
Running from Nanxian had normal school, the teaching of calligraphy and painting, literati one by one Wang Shixin County teacher
Zhuanshu, Lishu, disciple of literati calligraphy and Chinese painting, calligraphy epigraphy 11 in Yinan County Zhao Xuebo (No. send Lu) of the teacher
From the Chinese Painting Research Institute, Shandong provincial arts and crafts of Shandong Province Academy of contemporary flower branch secretary, literati, artists -- Feng Zengmu teacher
Shat watt Wolong school and literati -- President Gao Yinghua
Yinan County Organization Department and literati -- Minister Li Fajian
Yinan County Education Bureau and literati -- director Zhang Yong
Chinese Calligrapher Association 2017 Xuzhou Fang copying and creation seminar, Fang Fang, tutor, Gao Qingchun tutor, Li Shouyin tutor, Wang Jinquan tutor, Liu Jingwen mentor, Shi Enbo instructor, Mr. Wang Dahe tutor.
Charity organizations in all parts of the country help people who need help if they need to use calligraphy and paintings and auctions, please inform the address phone and send them to the public for free.
Yimeng people --- Zhao Lei
Zhao Lei academy of painting and calligraphy:
Telephone: 13625398168
Address: Yinan County, Linyi, Shandong
(address) in the middle section of Han street in Yinan County, 50 meters north of Kim Maddie, Road East.

Love friends all over the country can help forward.


Chinese Artists | 中国艺术家

Australian Artists | 澳洲艺术家

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