Arab Cup (U17): National cadet team achieves historic exploit

ALGIERS- Algeria’s national football team (under 17) achieved a historic exploit on Thursday evening at Abdelkrim-Kerroum stadium, in Sig (Mascara), after snatching Algeria’s first Arab Cup (U17) in this category, in a final match against Morocco, in penalty shootout (4-2) following a draw (1-1) in the regular time.

In statements to the press, the national selector Arezki Remane said that this “victory which is a preparatory phase to the Africa Cup of Nations, scheduled for April in Algeria, will certainly raise the ambitions of the national team in the next international events.”

“This young team, that made huge efforts during this competition, can be proud of this first Arab victory as it is the outcome of a perfect path without any defeat for a resounding victory in the face of their Moroccan opponents”, he said.

President of the Republic was the first to congratulate the cadets of the Desert Warriors, reaffirming his interest and permanent follow-up of the Algerian sporting achievements in all disciplines and categories.
"Juniors, but lions on the lawn ... Thanks Arab champions for your achievement... Congratulations to Algeria on the U17 Arab Cup," President Tebboune tweeted.
Extending his congratulations to the cadets of the national selector Arezki Remane, the Speaker of the Council of the Nation Salah Goudjil wrote “Congratulations champions, grandchildren of martyrs and mujahedeen, and congratulations to Algeria for winning the U17 Arab Cup. You have achieved a historic exploit on this sixtieth anniversary of the recovery of the national sovereignty. I wish you every success and Glory to Algeria of youths.”

For his part, the Speaker of the People’s National Assembly wrote “a resounding victory on this 60th anniversary of the country’s victory. We can never thank you enough. You’ve made us happy; you dominated the match and snatched the U17 Arab Cup. Congratulations to Algeria and more happiness to the country.”

©️GW5 队长选择
Haaland Salah Jesus

4.33 (from 7)
3.20 (from 3)
2.73 (from 5)

Mins per attempt

Penalty area touches


#FPL# 五换初印象,前3轮各队换人情况( * 为60分钟前因伤被迫换人次数)

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