Day by day, the squirrel father received a letter, it turned out that his uncle invited it to go far away. Father just left before long, mom fell ill again, how to do? The two little squirrels have not yet gone out, and the mother can't find something to eat for them. Is it waiting for a hungry stomach? At this time, the squirrel mother said to the two of them: "Good boy, look at your mother like this, can't go out to find food for you, you two go out to find something to eat now. ” The two of them look at me, I look at you, and they don't say anything, they just nod. Mother said to them again, "be careful, you two. There are many bad guys in the forest, but be careful.". Be a sister

看亲情部分虽说感动,却还是掺杂辛酸,阿泽正八德善部分又纠结得不得了,善宇宝拉的爱有些沉重和禁欲的味道,唯有正峰和曼玉,从一见钟情的destiny到目前为止的各种浪漫date,是轻松愉快地一甜到底鸭[给你小心心]前两天和小宝一起看图一桥段,《Right here waiting for you》BGM一起,双双落泪[泪]正峰会撩,曼玉娇羞,欧巴和高中妹的爱情我还是很吃这一套[二哈]

There are three things in life can not retain: life, time and love. You want to stay, but lopsided. Life is the most painful, and not been loved, who loved life without happiness. To leave you, I can't wait to come back; lost love, I can not back though; everything is still waiting here as trassient as a fleeting cloud, I see, until you get happiness, I turned again, smiling, quietly walked away. 人生有三样东西是无法挽留的: 生命、时间和爱。你想挽留,却渐行渐远。 人生最痛苦的,并不是没有得到所爱的人,而是所爱的人一生没有得到幸福。离开的你,我等不回来;失去的爱,我找不回来; 纵然一切已成过眼云烟,我依然守候在这里,直到看见你得到幸福,我再转身,微笑着,静静地走开。 ​​​

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