Preparations progressing well for successful Arab Summit

ALGIERS- Prime Minister Aymen Benabderrahmane said Thursday the preparations for the next Arab Summit to be hosted by Algeria on November 1-2 "are progressing well to ensure its success, stressing that the event will be an opportunity to reaffirm support for the Palestinian cause.
In response to the questions of MPs at the People's national Assembly (lower house of Parliament) in the last session of the day chaired by the House's speaker Brahim Boughali and devoted to the debate on the government's general policy statement, Benabderrahmane said the preparations for the Arab Summit "are progressing well to ensure its success," mentioning the political consultations held with several Arab countries.
The Premier said the political consultations were aimed to meet all the necessary conditions for the promotion of consensus and contribute to the success of the summit, making it an opportunity to give a fresh impetus to joint Arab action, especially in the current challenging circumstances marked by the exacerbation of international polarisation."
The major Arab event, he carried on, "will be an opportunity to confirm support for the Palestinian cause as the main Arab cause, by joining the common Arab position consisting in the Arab peace initiative.
Benabderrahmane stressed that the Arab peace initiative is the appropriate framework to protect the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas emphasizes importance of next Arab Summit in Algiers

RAMALLAH- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas highlighted Thursday, in Ramallah, the importance of the Arab Summit in Algiers, on November 1-2, "in boosting Arab State's support to the Palestinian people in the face of Zionist occupiers."
"After having informed the members of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) of the outcome of the meetings he held on the sidelines of 77th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, Mahmoud Abbas stressed the importance of the Arab Summit in Algiers, to be held early November, in pushing for the implementation of the resolutions of previous Arab Summits, mainly in relation to the support to the Palestinian people living under Zionist occupation," Palestinian news agency WAFA said Friday.
At the meeting, the PLO committed to "provide all the possible support for the success of dialogue between the different Palestinian factions in Algiers, due to be held in October, to put an end to division and restore Palestinian national unity," the statement added.
The Palestinians bet heavily on the Arab Summit in Algiers to reunify the position of Arab countries over the cause.




1. forehead /'fo: hed/ n.前额

2. finger / ' frnga(r)/ n.手指v.告发,拨弄

3. nerve /ns: vl n.神经,勇气

4. applaud /a 'plo:d/ v.鼓掌,称赞

5. bless /bles/ v.祝福

6. admire /od' maro(r)/ v.仰慕,赞赏

7. astonish /a'stbnJ/ v.使吃惊

8. awe /o:/ v.使敬畏n.敬畏

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