【China aprueba ley sobre protección de río Amarillo | 黄河保护法通过】Los legisladores chinos votaron el domingo a favor de adoptar una ley sobre la protección del río Amarillo, en un momento en que el país multiplica los esfuerzos para proteger este importante curso fluvial.
La ley, aprobada en una sesión del Comité Permanente de la Asamblea Popular Nacional, el máximo órgano legislativo de China, entrará en vigor el 1 de abril de 2023.

#考研英语# 【每日一句】

This is most obviously true about careers: parenthood worsens the pay gap because women are much better financially compensated for taking time out to care for young children and then, because they earn less on average, it makes more financial sense for them rather than fathers to go back part-time, the surest way to hinder your career. But it is about so much more: the housework, the emotional labour of ensuring everyone’s OK, the isolation that can result from uneven social sacrifice, the aspects of life that have nothing to do with motherhood that can sink without trace. If we want more people to want more children, we need to think about how to create a culture where it is the norm for all parents of young children – fathers included – to work part-time and share the load more equally; policies such as at least three months of generous use-it-or-lose-it paternity leave can help set these norms.



It can be learned from the text that ___.
A.the author is not in favor of bearing children
B.caring for young children is good for career
C.paternity leave policies increase fertility rate
D.men in general are more tolerant of isolation

A. the author is not in favor of bearing children
B. caring for young children is good for career
C. paternity leave policies increase fertility rate
D. men in general are more tolerant of isolation




This is most obviously true about careers:// parenthood worsens the pay gap because women are much better financially compensated// for taking time out to care for young children and then, //because they earn less on average, it makes more financial sense for them rather than fathers to go back part-time, the surest way to hinder your career.
But it is about so much more: the housework, the emotional labour of ensuring everyone’s OK, the isolation that can result from uneven social sacrifice, the aspects of life that have nothing to do with motherhood that can sink without trace.
If we want more people to want more children, we need to think about how to create a culture where it is the norm for all parents of young children – fathers included – to work part-time and share the load more equally; policies such as at least three months of generous use-it-or-lose-it paternity leave can help set these norms.




in the face of…面对…,不顾…

  in favor of…有利于…,赞成…,支持…

  in general通常,大体上

  at heart在内心,实质上

  in honor of…为纪念…,向…表示敬意

  at intervals不时,时时

  at length终于,最后,详细地@宋茜

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