If we change our formula for happiness and success, we can change the way that we can then affect reality. What we found is that only 25% of job successes are predicted by IQ, 75% of job successes are predicted by your optimism levels. Your social support and your ability to see stress as a challenge instead of as a threat.

Day 85 #托福打卡#

How long have bees been living in this planet? This is a question which could not be easily answered. Some very old fossil structures that resemble bee nest could trace bees back to 200 million years ago. But skeptics argued against this theory by presenting several ideas. However, the supporters of this theory believe the ideas are all not convincing.

Firstly, the critics asserted that even if the nest-like fossil was found, no bees fossil was discovered. According to the other side, this problem could be easily explained. To fossilize bees need the sticky liquid produced by a certain tree species, and this tree species did not appear until later. So it is possible that bees did live 200 million years ago, but without the sticky tree liquids, their body could never been preserved as fossils.

Secondly, critics argued that there were also no flower-plants 200 million years ago. Since bees feed mainly on flowers, critics deduced that bees did not exist 200 years ago. However, we cannot eliminate the possibility that bees feed on non-flower plants before the flowers appeared. They could just feed on non-flower plants and then build the relationship with flowers later in the history.

Last but not least, skeptics found out that the nest fossil lack of some finer details of modern bees' nests. However, recent studies showed that the nest-shaped fossil and modern bees' nests do share a certain water proof material. This is a chemical proof that the fossil was formed from bee nest 200 million years ago.

Since all the skeptics' ideas have been properly dealt with, it is possible that bees did lived 200 million years ago.


Design is a vocation. It is not a profession. A world-famous singer was once asked how she decided she wanted to be a singer. And she answered, “the melody found me, I did not have a choice.” Artists, regardless of their form or media, have always been artists, before they even knew themselves. The flame burns from within. We need to nurture this fire with skill, intelligence and passion. How do you nurture your inner design fire?

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