每日阅读/When it comes to physical and cognitive function, "use it or lose it" is undoubtedly good advice. 
So, does it apply to dogs as well? Or do they get set in their ways instead? People often think there's no hope for old dogs. The number of them in rescue centres is rising around the country. So it's time to shatter some myths — particularly the most enduring one: that you can't teach them new tricks.

印度喜马偕尔邦(Himachal Pradesh)风景如画的昌巴(Chamba)小镇坐落在郁郁葱葱的拉维河谷(Ravi),沐浴在旧世界的魅力之中,是一个自然的天堂。从原始的湖泊,风景优美的瀑布到白雪覆盖的达拉达尔山脉和茂密的森林,昌巴是一个宁静的度假地。这里点缀着几座与传说和神话相呼应的古老寺庙,是一个著名的宗教中心,吸引着来自该地区各地的信徒。它众多的步道和海滨为探险爱好者提供了成熟的条件,人们可以尽情地徒步、远足、漂流和露营。昌巴丰富的历史反映在它的各种传统艺术和工艺,如手帕,帕哈里绘画,铸造金属制品和披肩。
从公元6世纪开始,昌巴就以湿婆神之地和凯拉什帕瓦山( Kailash Parvat)而闻名。昌巴坐落在什瓦利克山(Shivalik)中,据说是由昌巴王国的萨希尔瓦尔曼王(Raja Sahil Varman)在10世纪上半叶从罗奈斯(Ranas)和塔库尔斯(Thakurs)手中征服了拉尼(Rani)山谷后建立的。 他还把首都从巴摩迁到了昌巴。克什米尔诗人卡尔哈纳(Kalhana)经常被认为是该国的第一个历史学家,他在自己的作品《拉贾塔兰吉尼》(Rajatarangini)中提到了这个地方。据他说,这个城镇的原名是昌帕(Champa)。当沙希尔•瓦尔曼的女儿昌帕瓦蒂在昌巴被当作女神敬拜时,他为她建造了一座神庙。这座寺庙后来成为昌巴统治者的家族寺庙。昌帕瓦蒂( Champavati)更广为人知的名字是“昌梅什尼”( Chameshni),据说她还守护着点缀该地区的清香昌帕卡树。小镇上有两个很受欢迎的持续好几天的定期赛会,分别是明加尔梅拉(Minjar Mela)和苏西马塔梅拉(Suhi Mata Mela)。前者在圣拉瓦纳月既八月的第二个星期日举行,庆祝昌巴的统治者战胜了特利加塔(Trigarta)(现在称为康格拉)的统治者,而苏西马塔梅拉(Suhi Mata Mela)则在三月或四月举行。
Soaked in old world charm, the picturesque town of Chamba, ensconced in the verdant valley of the gushing River Ravi, in Himachal Pradesh, is a natural paradise. From pristine lakes, scenic waterfalls to the snow-capped Dhauladhar mountains and lush forests, Chamba is a tranquil retreat. Dotted with several ancient temples that echo with legends and myths, the town is a prominent spiritual centre and invites devotees from all over the region. Its numerous walking trails and waterfronts present ripe opportunities for adventure enthusiasts who can indulge in trekking, hiking, river rafting and camping. The rich history of Chamba is reflected in its various traditional arts and crafts like handkerchiefs, Pahari paintings, cast metalware and shawls.
Dating back to the 6th century, Chamba is known as the land of Lord Shiva and the Kailash Parvat (mountain). Set amidst the Shivalik hills, Chamba is said to have been founded by Raja Sahil Varman, of the princely Chamba state, after he conquered the Rani Valley from Ranas and Thakurs in the first half of the 10th century. He also moved his capital to Chamba from Bharmour. According to Kalhana, the Kashmiri poet, who is often regarded as the first historian of the country and mentions about the place in his work, Rajatarangini, the original name of the town was Champa. As Champavati, the daughter of Sahil Varman, is worshipped as a goddess in Chamba, he built a temple for her. The temple, thereafter, became the family temple of the rulers of Chamba. More popularly known as Chameshni, Champavati is also said to be guarding the fragrant champaka trees that adorn the region. The town holds two popular fairs, Minjar Mela and Suhi Mata Mela that last several days. While the former is held on the second Sunday of the Shravana month or August and celebrates the victory of the Raja of Chamba over the ruler of Trigarta (now known as Kangra), Suhi Mata Mela is celebrated in the months of March or April.

The misty, forested state of Himachal Pradesh, silhouetted against the majestic snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas, is a paradise among mountains. Pure and pristine lakes, scenic waterfalls, snow-capped mountains and lush forests make Himachal Pradesh an idyllic natural retreat. It is also home to several historic temples that echo ancient Indian myths and attract visitors from all over the country. Himachal Pradesh is full of old world charm and its British-era cottages and bungalows are symbols of its rich history. This is also reflected in the variety of traditional arts and crafts in the region, such as handkerchiefs, Pahari paintings, metalwork and shawls.
The misty, forested state of Himachal Pradesh, silhouetted against the majestic snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas, is a paradise among mountains. Pure and pristine lakes, scenic waterfalls, snow-capped mountains and lush forests make Himachal Pradesh an idyllic natural retreat. It is also home to several historic temples that echo ancient Indian myths and attract visitors from all over the country. Himachal Pradesh is full of old world charm and its British-era cottages and bungalows are symbols of its rich history. This is also reflected in the variety of traditional arts and crafts in the region, such as handkerchiefs, Pahari paintings, metalwork and shawls.

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