
【【Jo的燃脂舞训练】12min|宝莱坞主题 快乐爆汗-哔哩哔哩】 https://t.cn/A6KPCchw
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In honor of Veterans Day, we asked four Carey students what this day means to them:

“Veterans Day is an opportunity to stop our busy lives and reflect on how we can ALL serve this nation to make this world a better place for future generations. In the military we lead with a 'Mission First, People Always' mentality; our ethos provided me guidance through my academic and military experiences. For those interested in Carey, I recommend that you remember that your mission has not changed; instead, you’re accomplishing it in a different way.” – Anaeto Chinemere (MBA ’23) USN & USNR

”Veterans Day is a moment to reflect on the commitment and sacrifice service members make for our country. While we serve selflessly, we appreciate the gratitude from our nation on this day and reflect on the unforgettable sacrifices which developed what the world is today. With the support from Carey, my military training, and the core values both communities share, I find myself once again capable of impacting my country as one of tomorrow's leaders.” – Bryan Munoz (MBA ’24) U.S. Air Force

“Veterans Day is a moment to pause and remember the sacrifices made by the men and women who swore the oath support and defend the Constitution of the United States. During my academic career, I have leveraged the values from my military career to make myself a better peer, teammate, and leader. The MBA program is demanding and challenging, making it feel like a familiar fit during my transition. To prospective veterans at Carey; continue to be adaptable and embrace all challenges as opportunities grow.” – David Galbraith (MBA ’23) U.S. Army

“Veterans Day has a special place in my heart since I had a chance to meet with many WWII survivors and veterans and hear their stories firsthand. Nothing can substitute memories of someone who went through the horrors of the time and lost friends and family members during the war. We are here to cherish the ones who left and the ones still with us. I am sincerely grateful for everyone's service and sacrifice.” – Oleg Russo (MBA ’23) U.S. Army

Thank you to veterans everywhere for your service. #veteransday2022

早起吃了早饭上了早课 还背了单词
u1s1 fit711一套跳下来现在对我来说就是热身的程度 然后跟着就跳了内啡肽 只能说还得是帕姐啊直接暴汗了kk
看完行政法具体行政行为那一张还把概述部分的思维导图搞完了 夸夸自己今天真厉害嘻

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