We’re still on the journey of self that is often nothing more than a tug-of-war match between who we see ourselves to be, and how others perceive us.
I truly feel sorry for myself that I didn’t manage to find a person who can just look upon the friendship as a pretty pure relationship instead of reckoning friend as the greatest competitor that you should first fight against.
…Alas, during the several days that I spent with my dear friend did I find the fact is so cruel that I can’t imagine. The only thing I can do right now is to accept it, and to quickly build up a new definition of how I am.

It is not the first time I write something that I want to speak to myself in English to avoid being sneered by others,but I still find it hard to express my point correctly and clearly. Meanwhile, I still consider it meaningful to reflect the words that I have written on my blog after several decades.

Stay calm.
(To tell the truth, I just drew the inspiration from a passage on SSP)

【Crece el respaldo internacional hacia los manifestantes en EE. UU. | 美国抗议者获国际支持】#美国暴乱# #种族歧视#
La comunidad china de San Francisco ha expresado su solidaridad con los afroamericanos tras el asesinato policial de George Floyd, a pesar de las pérdidas que sufrieron durante el saqueo.
Las empresas en San Francisco sufrieron daños generalizados el 30 de mayo después de que lo que comenzó como protestas pacíficas se convirtiera en una tormenta de saqueos. La ola de saqueos llegó al barrio chino alrededor de las 11:30 p.m., relató Leanna Louie, miembro del grupo de vigilancia comunitario United Peace Corps.
Louie reportó que unos 50 saqueadores atacaron las tiendas en Grant Avenue, en su mayoría joyerías, en Chinatown, cuando ella y otros dos miembros patrullaban el vecindario en su automóvil.

#新证券法# 【新《证券法》就是要让“瑞幸们”付出代价:New Securities Law is to make “Luckins” pay the price】

Recently, Luckin Coffee issued a statement: at present, the company is actively cooperating with the Chinese market regulatory authorities to investigate the work related to Luckin Coffee's operation. Earlier, Luckin Coffee issued an announcement saying that the company's COO Liu Jian was suspected of counterfeiting 2.2 billion transactions. The amended "Securities Law of the People's Republic of China", which came into effect on March 1, 2020, gives the China Securities Regulatory Commission long-arm jurisdiction. At a time when China's capital market is increasingly connected to overseas one, legislation to clarify the extraterritorial effectiveness of China's "Securities Law" can avoid cross-border violations of laws and regulations, which is also a manifestation of the upgrading of China's national financial supervision capabilities. Since April 2 when the Luckin fiasco broke out, Chinese financial regulators have continuously issued "strong regulatory signals."


关注Oxford China PAIR公众号,可查看本期【4月27日-5月3日】#10 Points on China# Newsletter,每周二更新双语推文。

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