Participation of H.E.M Ramtane Lamamra to the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly

Algeria responds to Morocco's "false" allegations on Western Sahara
NEW YORK (UNITED NATIONS) -The Algerian delegation attending the 77th session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in New York (20-23 September) exercised Thursday its right of reply to counter "the false and misleading allegations" of Morocco regarding the Western Sahara issue.
In its statement, the Algerian delegation, which had asked to exercise its right of reply to refute the misleading and seasonal allegations of the Moroccan representative in a "desperate attempt to exploit at every opportunity the platforms to spread its propaganda and lies about the Western Sahara conflict", explained that "based on the legal nature of the conflict (in Western Sahara), this issue was, is and will remain a question of decolonization until the people of Western Sahara exercise their inalienable right to self-determination through a free and fair referendum.”
All UN resolutions have confirmed that this conflict is on the agenda of the United Nations in accordance with resolutions 1514 and 1541 of the General Assembly, recalled the Algerian delegation.
"These resolutions also clearly designate the two parties to the conflict: Morocco and the Polisario Front, internationally recognized as the sole legitimate representative of the people of Western Sahara. As for the issue of the so-called autonomy solution imposed as the only solution, it threatens the foundations of international legitimacy and the UN Charter, and contradicts the well-established doctrine (of the United Nations) in the field of decolonization,'' said the source.
As for ''the mechanism of the round tables, ineffective and unproductive, and as usual, Morocco, faithful to its colonial approach, has used this mechanism in a desperate attempt to introduce confusion to the nature of the conflict, to circumvent international legitimacy and transform the nature of this conflict from an issue of decolonization to a bilateral conflict.”
'The reception by Algeria of Sahrawi refugees in the camps of Tindouf, from October 31, 1975, is the result of the illegal occupation of Western Sahara by Morocco, after the departure of the former colonial power.”
Algeria remains convinced that the issue of the refugee census is purely technical and is an integral part of a comprehensive political plan under the peace plan adopted by the United Nations in 1990.
As for the census, it only makes sense if it is part of a fair and free referendum aimed at allowing the people of Western Sahara to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination, in accordance with international law," said the Algerian delegation in response to the lies of the Makhzen, which has illegally occupied this territory since 1975.
Regarding the ''false allegations and slander that Morocco promotes on the alleged relations of Sahrawi refugees with terrorist groups, this is just a new episode in a miserable series aimed at distorting the struggle of the people of Western Sahara, who aspire to exercise their right to self-determination like all peoples of the world.”
77th UNGA meeting: President Tebboune's initiatives highly commended by international community
NEW YORK (United States)- The works of the 77th UN General Assembly are going on with the holding of several high-level meetings attended by the minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Ramtane Lamamra.
The discussions held by Lamamra during those meetings showed foreign partners' great consideration for Algeria's key role at both Arab and international levels, under the leadership of President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune.
In this respect, Lamamra, who represented Algeria at the ministerial meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), called for strengthening the role of the Non-Aligned amid the growing tensions worldwide.
He recalled President Tebboune's proposals for a "collective effort to create the appropriate conditions allowing the movement to contribute to de-escalation while promoting balanced, peaceful and cordial relations among the nations on the basis of the ideals and principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter."
Concerns over international tensions generated by the Ukrainian crisis were also tackled during the ministerial meeting of the Group of Friends of Mediation, co-chaired by Turkey and Finland.
Lamamra, in an address to his counterparts of the member countries, stressed the rich history of Algerian diplomacy in terms of mediation and peaceful settlement of conflicts.
He cited, for instance, the Agreement of Peace and Reconciliation in Mali, the outcome of Algiers process.
Algerian-US relationship strong, enduring
NEW YORK (United Nations)- The relationship between Algeria and the United States is "strong and enduring," stressed the US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman following a meeting with the minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Ramtane Lamamra, Wednesday in New York.
"It was a pleasure to meet with Algerian Foreign," Minister Ramtane Lamamra, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly works to mainly discuss regional security and our economic partnership," the US diplomat wrote on her Twitter account.
"I look forward to continuing to deepen our strong and enduring relationship," she added.
The statement came a day after the one made, in New York, by the US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Barbara Leaf, who called Algeria a "strong" partner for peace and stability in the region and Africa.
Lamamra reiterates President Tebboune's proposal to boost role of NAM
NEW YORK (United Nations)- The minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Ramtane Lamamra called Wednesday, in New York, for enhancing the role of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in the current international context, recalling President Abdelmadjid Tebboune's proposal to launch, as quickly as possible, a collective reflection among the member states to identify ways and means for the movement to play the appropriate role amid growing tensions worldwide and the resulting political polarisation.
On the sidelines of the works of the high-level segment of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York, Lamamra, at a ministerial meeting bringing together the representatives of the NAM member states, held under the chairmanship of Azerbaijan, expressed Algeria's deep concern over the growing tensions and the climate of political polarisation worldwide, worsening the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the socio-economic situation.
The Foreign Minister stressed the "importance of strengthening the role of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) as a force of initiative and proposal committed to the promotion of balanced, peaceful and cordial relations among the nations on the basis of the ideals and principles enshrined by the UN Charter."
Ramtane Lamamra calls for common African position ahead of COP27
NEW-YORK (United Nations)- The minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Ramtane Lamamra, called Wednesday, in New-York, for the adoption of a common African position ahead of the COP27, scheduled for November in Egypt.
On the sidelines of the works of the high-level segment of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly, in New York, Lamamra, as representative of President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, at the summit meeting of the Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC).
The meeting, held under the chairmanship of the new president of Kenya, William RUTO, head ahead of the COP27, was an opportunity to discuss Africa's priorities in the coming negotiations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Accord.
Lamamra, in an address at the summit meeting, stressed "the need for the African countries to speak in a single voice for an effective and efficient climate action, taking into account Africa's priorities and concerns, especially the repeated attempts to challenge the validity of the principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities (CBDR)."

Hamano Ayumu 设计师作品:12cm 小猫女巫 Mahonii 红蓝2色【每款限量100个】,10月13日截单,2022年11月出货
Hamano Ayumu
Hamano Ayumu is figure designer, sculptor and artist living in Japan. Her beautiful 3D works created from her unique sensibilities are acclaimed all over various social networks all around the world.
This time, she is fully prepared to make her original work into a soft vinyl figure.
This is Ayumu Hama.
This little witch called "Mahonii" is a "super strong" kitten full of my favorite things.
I will do everything in my own power to create "Mahonii".
Please use Kitten Witch as your own guardian, she will not forgive those who disturb you.
Matterial: Soft Vinyl(PVC)
Size: H12cm
商品名: こねこウィッチ まほにぃ/ Kitten witch MAHONII
#Hamano Ayumu# #小猫女巫# #Mahonii# #手办# #可动人偶# #雕像# #模型# #GK#

哇 常见版功能好多
问问超话的友友们 一条包含she/会/事/件话题的博文有1w+转 但是点进博文中提到的话题 已经是灰色的(也就是俗称的被ban了?)这种情况的博文中提到的话题 有多大概率是真的?有多大概率是假的?
对于涉及到生命权益受损害的 却因为️guan方证实 有yao言风险的博文 会转发传播这样的博文吗?(我会 并期待针对不止是没死 是生命完全无损的打假)
认同事件发生几天仍限制传播 因为要等后面攒着一块发吗?认同tong/报 就是合理的后续甚至结局的说法吗?(我不 生命不等人 如果已采取措施 即刻发消息说明罪/犯已被/捕 受/害人当前情况如何 这与后续的通报n.0并不冲突 连4w1h基础都未写全的tong/报不具备被认同的必要)

万人哭 无人管 方是人间悲剧

现日江山更埋往日千骨 我相信ta们的前赴后继绝不是异想天开 我知道后日史书不会有你我只言片语 可当下的群众亦是你存在后日谈的根本 群众是它得以诞生 是你得以接任的源

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或有人礼拜, 或复但合掌, 
乃至举一手, 或复小低头, 
以此供养像, 渐见无量佛……”阿弥陀佛;人身难得,佛法难闻,我今闻法我等忏悔往昔所造诸恶业,皆由
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  • 她回:对啊,你在家就没有过这个幸福,因为都是你在做[偷笑])嗯[开学季]也…行吧!今晚和妈咪视频有感:人生终极奥义都可能是柴米油盐,但是如果把鸡毛蒜皮和柴米油盐
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