【Restaurant English 就餐常用的英语】
1. 预订:
I would like to make a dinner reservation for two.
I need to make a dinner reservation.
We will need the reservation for Tuesday night.
We will be coming to your restaurant on Tuesday night.

2. 在餐馆里:
I booked a table for two for 7pm under the name of John Thomas.
A table for two, please.
May we sit at this table?
We have a dinner reservation for two at 7.30.
Our reservation is under the name of Thomas at 7.30 for two people.

Could you bring us the menu, please?
Yes, can I see the dessert menu please?
No, thanks. I am full after the meal.
The menu, please.
What’s on the menu?
Do you have a set menu?
Could you bring us the salt/ pepper/ ketchup/ vinegar, please?
I’ll have the soup as a starter.
I’ll have the steak for the main course.
That’s all, thank you.
May I have some water, please?
May I get an order of barbeque wings?
That’ll be all for now.
Yes, please. May I get a glass of lemonade?
I would like a Coke.
I would like to order my food now.
We’d like to order a cheeseburger and some fries.
We’ll have the chicken with vegetables and the vegetable pasta, please.
Just some water, please.
Let’s have four coffees, please.
We would like two coffees and two teas.
We’d like a little longer, please.

4. 买单:
Could I have the check, please?
Can I have the check, please?
We’ll take the check.
Can I have my bill?
Can we have the bill, please?
Could we get the bill?
Could I have the bill, please?
I am ready for my bill.
Could we pay please?
I am ready to pay the bill.
I would like my check, please.

Solitude. A new year begins, new energies upon us. It is a good time to stop, calm down, be alone and meditate a little on ourselves. The changes we want to see outside begins first within ourselves. I love being alone with myself and no one else. Those moments I really appreciate a lot and I feel complete in myself. Peace, tranquility and harmony are magic words for me

Any high-rise building would not be erected without cornerstones; a great company could not be established without the hard work of all front tier workers year after year. Despite any change around us, we are obliged to pass our spirit of dedication on
to all generations coming later to solidify our foundation and seek a better growth. Sustainability is essential in face of volatility. That is what we need to address uncertainties before us.

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