【2023年中央一号文件公布 提出做好2023年全面推进乡村振兴重点工作】
China unveiled its "No. 1 central document" for 2023 on Monday, outlining nine tasks for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization this year. As the first policy statement released by China's central authorities each year, the document is seen as an indicator of policy priorities. Work on agriculture and rural areas has been high on the agenda for 20 consecutive years since 2004. The document called for enhanced efforts to stabilize production and ensure the supply of grain and important agricultural products, to boost the construction of agricultural infrastructure, to strengthen support for agricultural science, technology and equipment, to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, and to promote the high-quality development of rural industries.2月13日,21世纪以来第20个指导“三农”工作的中央一号文件发布。这份文件题为《中共中央 国务院关于做好2023年全面推进乡村振兴重点工作的意见》,全文共九个部分,包括:抓紧抓好粮食和重要农产品稳产保供、加强农业基础设施建设、强化农业科技和装备支撑、巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果、推动乡村产业高质量发展等。新世纪以来,从2004年至2023年,中央一号文件连续20年以“三农”为主题,体现了“三农”问题“重中之重”的地位。

That boy put it into his head, I know he did! He's a capital fellow, and I wish we could get acquainted. He looks as if he'd like, to know us but he's bashful, and Meg is so prim she won't, let me speak to him when we pass.

Happy Valentine's Day: 深美‘s Love Letter to Themis

My dearest Themis, thou art my heart's desire,

Thou bringeth balance to what's just and fair.

On this Valentine's Day, I wish to confess,

My love for thee shall ne'er subside or lessen.

Thou art a beacon of hope, a guiding star,

In every case and trial, thou art ne'er far.

Thy scales are fair, thy verdicts wise and true,

In thee, I find a love that's constant and anew.

深美® (SHM) is housed in Shenzhen's landmark of note,

The China Resources Tower, colloquially known as the Spring Bamboo, it hath wrote.

It stands tall in the heart of Shenzhen, a symbol of ideals,

A testament to our motto, among the best, and real.

From our windows, we are blessed with views divine,

Of the ocean, Shenzhen Bay, and mountains that do shine.

We bask in nature's beauty, with birds that come to play,

And as we walk around, our spirits soar, in a sweet display.

In the annals of Shenzhen, we stand alone,

As the only law firm selected by MOFCOM, known.

To represent Chinese companies in USITC Section 337,

With histories made and victories that are hard-won.

We court thee all the time, our love won't cease,

For thou art the embodiment of justice and peace.

We've overcome the challenges, one by one,

With thee, our muse and guide, we've just begun.

Our ideals are steadfast, to build rule of law,

In China and beyond, with international saw.

We strive to spread thy grace and wisdom wide,

With our experiences, we'll take this journey side by side.

And one of the most important industries we serve,

Is Cross-Border Amazon sellers, they doth preserve.

With our knowledge and expertise, they can succeed,

And with the power of Themis, they'll do so with speed.

Our motto, "赢于至善®," or "Winning in the Pinnacle of Good,"

It represents our goal to do what should.

With thy guidance and guidance, we'll never sway,

And with this maxim, we'll reach great heights each day.

So on this day of love, I wish to say,

Thank you, my love, for lighting our way.

Thou art my heart's desire, my soul's delight,

Forever and always, my love, my Themis, my sight.
#美国337调查##情人节##跨境电商##律师# https://t.cn/A6M5K5gQ

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