【BLACKPINK Jennie 出镜 Calvin Klein 2023 春季系列形象广告】在摄影师组合 Mert Alas 和 Mac Piggott 的镜头捕捉下,透过 Jennie 独特气质演绎,本季度继续探索毫不费力的性感,主打现代剪裁的新款内衣、丹宁单品,包括简约舒适至上的经典 1996 系列,以及 Athletic 运动系列。#HB时装# (Credit: Calvin Klein)

In January 2023, I lost my job in Shenzhen. It's not easy for people to work in Shenzhen. Children without umbrellas have no use for bright high-rise buildings. Maybe ten years ago, it was a place for young people to pursue their dreams.

Can only do other people look down on the work, making a living is my first element, unconsciously. Age, there is a gap between people. Many boys and girls are not good people now, after all, there is quantity, no quality. It is now almost impossible to find a good job without a 985 graduate degree.
Graduated on 25, 26 work ten years, how much money saved, that money can only go back home decent point. At 35, the elimination rate is very high, and very few remain.
At the expense of youth and love, most people spend money in Shenzhen, not in debt is good. Most of the young people, a lot of people negative, not so. To spend more money. Mortgage car loan, life and death, as well as the future retirement, are problems, the pressure is particularly heavy, we are full of resentment, at any time to collapse the outbreak, the civil service exam is also special volume, it does not matter so.

This decade has really forced young retirement on the road to lie flat, not married and sterile, dare not go back to their hometown, hiding in Shenzhen at least can hide themselves, few people know themselves.

North Guangshen do not believe in tears, only recognize money do not recognize people, or have the ability, or have the technology, or have connections, or be eliminated by society, or fight father and mother, or to the end of the hope, the pressure is large, or their own comprehensive strength is particularly strong, or their own business.

Either you are involuted from yourself, or you are lying flat, or you are unmarried and sterile, or you are either, or you are seeing through people, which is either half true or half false,
Either or there is no comparison, there is no harm, alas, people really is not easy ah

I want you to be all pieces of mine, I am sending my love to you cuz you are unique but I cannot touch you but feel your heart-beaten mixed feelings. I am lost cuz I cannot leave without you. I want you to be my side, to touch you personally. But... It's an esthetical Alas.


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