#健康要闻# 最新研究进一步证实“感染新冠病毒可显示增加患自身免疫性疾病之风险”。

“Catching COVID-19 may raise the risk of developing autoimmune disease by 43% in the months following the infection, according to the largest study of its kind.

"The impact of this study is huge — it's the strongest evidence so far answering this question of COVID-19 and autoimmune disease risk," said Anuradhaa Subramanian, a research fellow in health informatics at the University of Birmingham, who was not involved in the study. The new research, which has yet to be peer reviewed, was posted Jan. 26 in the preprint database medRxiv.

Scientists previously linked COVID-19 to an increased risk of autoimmune disease, in which the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy parts of the body. However, this research was limited to small studies that focused on just a few conditions, such as autoimmune hemolytic anemia, which affects red blood cells, and Guillain-Barre syndrome, which affects nerve cells.”


in the wake of sth./sb.:紧随某事/某人之后,可以表示时间上事情的先后顺序,也可以表示空间上的先后。


久违的(平行架空)维朝古风车时间到!例文来自《Lord Heliodor's Retirement》by Amy Rae Durreson,关键词魔法奇幻+破镜重圆。普普通通(?)的中年阁员Heliodor 爵爷在魔法袭击中扮演了大英雄的角色,却也保受创伤,故事就从他因此退休讲起……

It was not the Screaming itself that forced Lord Adem Heliodor into early retirement. Indeed everyone in the court was in full agreement that his lordship had acted with extraordinary and unexpected courage during the incident. After all, it was no common occurrence for a mere minister of ports and customs to be called upon to save the life of the queen, let alone in the face of a horror such as the Screaming.
迫使 Adem Heliodor 勋爵提前退休的并不是 “尖叫”事件本身。宫中的每个人都完全同意,爵爷在本次事件中表现出了非凡的、出乎意料的勇气。毕竟,一名普普通通的港口和海关大臣被要求拯救女王的生命,这样的事情并不常见,更不用说让他对面对像“尖叫”这样的恐怖事件。

No, Lord Heliodor’s retirement came two months later, in the wake of a council meeting where a passing remark of blinding stupidity drove him to his feet to shout, spittle flying and fists clenching, at the lackwitted, mealy-mouthed, porridge-brained imbecile who had made it.
实际上,Heliodor 勋爵的退休发生在两个月后的一场议会会议上:某人一句脱口而出的蠢话促使他一把站起,拳头紧握、唾沫横飞地冲那个智力低下、油嘴滑舌、满脑子浆糊的傻瓜大吼大叫。

And then, when the red mist cleared from his eyes and the rage stopped clutching in his throat, he found himself surrounded by silence, staring into the young, troubled face of the queen he had just insulted.

Last week we held our Junior School Splash Day. Each year group had a chance to enjoy the pool and compete against each other in various races.

Well done to everyone for taking part and trying their best. At NLCS Jeju we teach swimming as part of our curriculum, it is also offered as one of our many co-curricular activities - for fun or competitively.

#nlcsjeju # swimming #boardingschool # internationalschool

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