Algeria calls on international community to fulfil its commitments to Sahrawi people

GENEVA (Switzerland)- The permanent representative of Algeria to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva, Ambassador Lazhar Soualem, called on the international community on Friday, especially the United Nations, to fulfil its obligations and assume its responsibilities to Western Sahara people by ensuring their inalienable and imprescriptible right to self-determination.
In an address at the 52nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Ambassador Soualem stressed the paramount importance Algeria gives to UN Security Council's resolutions, to the relevant jurisprudence and to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice regarding the territory of Western Sahara occupied by Morocco.
The Algerian diplomat said all the aforementioned resolutions and opinions "consider the conflict as a decolonisation issue, whose settlement inevitably requires the application of the principle of self-determination."
The permanent representative of Algeria to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva called on all States, the UN Human Rights Council and the High Commissioner for Human Rights to "fulfil their international commitments" and "assume their responsibilities towards the people of Western Sahara, who are still under occupation."
He also called for ensuring to Sahrawi people their inalienable and imprescriptible right to self-determination.
The people of Western Sahara, he said, "cannot remain indefinitely under the mercy and stubbornness of the occupying state of Morocco, which continues to shy away from its international commitments toward the last colony in Africa."

Belani receives UK’s Armed Forces Minister

ALGIERS-The Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Amar Belani received Sunday at the headquarters of the Ministry, the United Kingdom’s Minister of State for Armed Forces and Veterans, and Member of Parliament, James Stephen Heappey, who is visiting Algeria, said the ministry in a statement.
The two officials “had in-depth discussions on the state of British-Algerian relations and ways to strengthen and raise them to levels reflecting the capabilities and ambitions of the two friendly countries.”
According to the statement, "the Algeria-UK consultations focused on cooperation between the two countries in the security field. The two parties welcomed the successful bilateral coordination in this sensitive area, and expressed their willingness to develop and expand in the future, especially in light of the major challenges imposed by the vulnerable and unstable security situation in the Sahel region.”
The Algeria-UK talks focused on several regional and international issues of common interest, including the situation in Libya, Mali, and the Sahel region in general.
In this regard, "the British high-level official commended Algeria’s significant efforts to restore stability and security in Mali and Libya, expressing the strong interest of his country in the Algerian inclusive approach to achieving security in the Sahel region.
He also expressed the willingness of his country to boost cooperation and coordination with Algeria and all relevant international partners to implement this approach, which can restore stability and security and raise the level of development in this sensitive region.
Regarding the issue of Western Sahara, the Algerian and British officials "emphasized their support for the efforts of the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Western Sahara, Staffan De Mistura, to encourage the two parties to the conflict to revive the negotiation process with the aim of achieving a permanent and mutually acceptable political solution, ensuring the right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination, in accordance with the principles of international legality.”

Algeria firmly condemns barbaric Zionist aggression against Nablus

ALGIERS- Algeria has firmly condemned on Wednesday the barbaric aggression committed by the Zionist occupation forces against the Palestinians in Nablus, leaving several deaths and many injuries, calling on the international community and the United Nations Security Council to take an urgent action to put an end to the dangerous escalation against the Palestinian people.

“Algeria firmly condemns the barbaric aggression committed Wednesday by the Zionist occupation forces against the Palestinians in Nablus, leaving several deaths and many injuries,” according to a statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad.

“Expressing its sincere condolences and compassion to the Palestinian brothers: leaders, government and people, Algeria calls on the international community and the UN Security Council to intervene immediately to stop the dangerous escalation imposed by the Zionist forces and ensure an effective international protection for the Palestinian people,” said the source.

Algeria “reiterates its continued solidarity and support to the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate rights, notably that of building an independent State with al-Quds as capital,” added the source.

Algeria stresses the necessity of implementing the resolutions of the international law to deter the Zionist occupier and hold it responsible for his systematic crimes against the Palestinian people, to force it to embark on serious political process, leading to a fair and lasting solution to the Palestinian cause, on the basis of the principle: Land for Peace, on which the Arab peace initiative is based,” concluded the statement.

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