This evening, while I was giving my son a bath, he suddenly asked me, "Daddy, why do our fingers wrinkle in water but our toes don't?" He had previously asked a similar question, but it was simpler: "Daddy, why do our fingers wrinkle in water?"
Caught off guard by today's question, I gave my son an honest answer - our fingers wrinkle in water because the oils on the surface of our skin dissolve, causing our skin to absorb water and swell. However, I acknowledged that this answer may not be entirely accurate, and I would need to research the topic further for a more precise answer. Additionally, I was unsure why our toes don't wrinkle in water and would need to investigate this question later.
After doing some research, I discovered that our toes do, in fact, wrinkle in water. I also found at least two possible explanations for why our fingers wrinkle in water.
When our fingers are soaked in water, the keratin in the outer layer of the skin, called the epidermis, absorbs water and swells, while the inside of the fingers does not. As a result, the outer layer of the epidermis, known as the stratum corneum, which is made up of alternating bands of lipids and water-loving keratin, bunches up and wrinkles. This occurs on fingers and toes because the epidermis is thicker on the hands and feet than elsewhere on the body.
Another possible explanation is that our fingers and toes wrinkle in water to improve our ability to handle wet or submerged objects. This reaction is caused by blood vessels constricting below the skin and is an involuntary response by the body's autonomic nervous system. Wrinkles channel water away, making it easier to grip wet objects. This effect could have been beneficial for our ancestors when gathering food from wet vegetation or streams.

Almost heaven West Virginia

Blue ridge mountain Shenandoah river

Life is old there older than the trees

Younger than the mountains growing like a breeze

Country roads take me home

To the place I belong

West Virginia mountain mamma

Take me home country roads

All my memories gather round her

Miners' lady stranger to blue water

Dark and dusty painted on the sky

Misty taste of moonshine teardrops in my eyes

Country roads take me home

To the place I belong

West Virginia mountain mamma

Take me home country roads

《 2046 》
You once asked me if there was anything I wouldn't lend. I've given it a lot of thought. And now I know. There is one thing...I'll never lend to anyone.


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