发现自己挺喜欢温柔的白花香,去年入的LE LABO LYS 41,今年入的Diptyque Do Son,虽然都是晚香玉,但给我的感觉是不一样的,LYS 41更浓郁,像个风情万种的尤物,Do Son更清新,像个绕指柔的小女人。
夜来香的花语是“危险的快乐”,不禁让我想起The Secret Life of Waiter Mitty,永葆青春的方法,就是每天都冒一点险,享受危险之中的快乐。

1. fight climate change 对抗气候变化
2. cut out 停止
3. harmful emissions 有害气体排放
4. go vegan 成为纯素主义者
5. ethical reasons 道德原因
6. environmental considerations 环保因素

If you want to fight climate change - what can you do? You can use less electricity or stop driving, but scientists believe there’s another impact on the planet, and that is what you eat.

If people cut out meat and animal products from their diets - harmful emissions could be reduced by 70%. That’s according to research from Oxford University.

Many people go vegan for ethical reasons, others go vegan because of environmental considerations.
#雅思口语# #雅思[超话]#

1. fight climate change 对抗气候变化
2. cut out 停止
3. harmful emissions 有害气体排放
4. go vegan 成为纯素主义者
5. ethical reasons 道德原因
6. environmental considerations 环保因素

If you want to fight climate change - what can you do? You can use less electricity or stop driving, but scientists believe there’s another impact on the planet, and that is what you eat.

If people cut out meat and animal products from their diets - harmful emissions could be reduced by 70%. That’s according to research from Oxford University.

Many people go vegan for ethical reasons, others go vegan because of environmental considerations.
#雅思口语# #雅思[超话]#

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